Titus, Trump and the Triumph of Israel

Titus, Trump and the Triumph of Israel

On Tuesday 3 November, Americans will vote in what promises to be one of the most important elections in the history of the country, and the world will be watching with keen interest.
Will Donald Trump win a second term, or will former Vice–President Joe Biden take the top job?
Here is a BIG question:
Who would best serve the interests of both America and her ally Israel?
General Titus destroyed Jerusalem, but millennia later, President Trump has done more than any modern President to help to build up Israel.

Amazingly, day by day, the Abraham Accords initiated by the Trump Administration seem to be deepening and proliferating!

No leader in US history has been as supportive of Israel as Donald Trump, according to Josh Reinstein, director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC) and president of the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF).

Now Josh Reinstein’s new bestseller is a must read for the spiritually and politically astute believer, and those who desire to understand the role of faith-based diplomacy. Josh is the leader of the Israel Allies Caucus in Israel.
The book’s cover speaks volumes showing Rome’s Arch of Titus declaring victory over the Jews but superimposed with the seal of the US Embassy which was finally moved to the restored Jewish capital Jerusalem by President Trump. In the background is the Western Wall plaza of the Temple Mount.
We are living in mysterious yet miraculous times. On the one hand, we have witnessed the most remarkable fulfilment of Biblical prophecy: the Jewish people’s return to Israel and the prosperity and contributions of this tiny country to the world in such a short time.
On the other hand, we have seen an unexpected rise in anti-Semitism which takes the form of anti-Zionism and alliances between groups that are fighting against the most fundamental biblical values.

Part of the current battle over the US presidential election concerns the ultimate trump of the nation of Israel. While many American Jews are voting for Biden, many Israelis who are actually living in the Land know that Trump is their true friend. The division in world views has become starker than ever. Josh Reinstein’s initiative of faith-based diplomacy is at the center of this tension, explaining what lies behind the recent wave of support for Israel and the counter force. Josh answers important questions to clarify what drives the political actions that we witness today and which path should be taken to move forward. Available at Amazon and please leave a review:

By |2020-10-31T23:02:56+00:00October 24th, 2020|Categories: Articles, Articles|News|Tags: , , , , , , |4 Comments

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  1. Emilie Bruell October 25, 2020 at 12:28 pm - Reply

    I just received my copy of Josh’s book and will start reading it now! There are wonderful things happening as we wait eagerly and expect to be with our LORD together we those we love who have gone before. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

    • Christine Darg October 25, 2020 at 1:52 pm - Reply

      Thank you, Emilie. Please kindly write a review at Amazon!

  2. SMB October 31, 2020 at 11:21 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much for recommending this amazing book by Josh Reinstein. I hope my Amazon review is appropriate to post here so others can know it’s great importance worldwide!


    Josh Reinstein has so timely brought our attention back to God’s covenantal promises which, when fulfilled, will change the world and its governments back to the prime principle of LIFE. Adherence to or adversity towards THIS God-mandated principle is the decision of the hour for humanity, and, as this author pinpoints, this principle is at the forefront in America now. Josh Reinstein combines use of his Jewish heritage and his former life in America, before making Aliyah to Israel, to bring us to the fact that this principle, along with the biblical instructions to support Israel, should drive us to the polls, and help us to become part of the solution for not only America, but the world. He is correct that if we follow biblical principles, which mandate us to support Israel, God’s covenantal promises will bring immediate change, and blessings to our countries, because He is a covenant-keeping God. As the author states, many Bible-believing Christians know it is their duty to support Israel, and it is this biblical mandate that should drive us to the polls consistently. This book is “required reading” before you enter any polling booth… not just in 2020, but from this point forward. Most timely book for America today – to COME INTO GOD’S COVENANTAL BLESSINGS as a result of four years of our President following God’s mandates and instructions. And, if we make the right decisions this election, empower His blessings to flow because of that covenantal adherence to God’s primary principles. Woe to those not taking part in our duty to support Israel and life through these 2020 elections for the 2021-2024 term. As Josh Reinstein titles his last chapter… we are at a decision America, “The Blessing or The Curse”. And as God Himself instructs us… CHOOSE LIFE! Thank you Josh Reinstein for stating the truth with biblical and historical facts, with both civility and compassion. Let’s see what America decides to do with Israel and Life this week. If we all read THIS book, there would be no question on what to do or how to do it! SMB

    Then… If I could encourage young Mr. Reinstein…
    Excellent! Thank you for stepping out in response to God’s call on your life! May this book open eyes and convict many of their duty to His principles!

    • Anonymous November 1, 2020 at 10:55 pm - Reply

      Thank you, Susan!

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