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Let’s connect! Sign up below to receive our weekly email bulletin and to join the EVERY FRIDAY FAST. Thanks for being a part of this End-time outreach, praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the Isaiah 19 Highway between Egypt, Israel and Assyria!
If you’ve never experienced the life-changing gift of Jesus the Messiah, please pray the following salvation prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. You said in Your Word, “. . . if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be SAVED.” (Romans 10:9) The word SAVED (“sozo”) means SAVED from eternal perdition, HEALED, PRESERVED, MADE WHOLE and DELIVERED. According to the promise of Romans 10:10, I believe with my heart, and I now confess with my mouth Jesus as my Lord. Therefore, I am SAVED, HEALED and DELIVERED, according to your Word! Amen!
Now it’s important to study the Bible and to pray every day to your Heavenly Father. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to a Bible-based fellowship. Become a part of our ministry to receive balanced teaching. Contact us below:

US mailing address:
Exploits Ministry
Box 2768
Staunton, VA 24402-2768 USA
British post address:
Exploits Ministry
Box 109 Hereford
HR4 9XR, England