
Behold, How Good and Pleasant It Is When Brethren Sit Together in Unity

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Such a joy seeing Trump and Bibi together again and all the honor Trump poured on the Israeli Prime Minister—the pomp and circumstance welcome at [...]

Intercessors for Israel Friday Prayer Points

Praise:Shabbat's Torah portion in the book of Exodus declares several times that God judged Egypt to show Pharaoh and his people that YHWH God of Israel is God over the [...]

A Week of Breakthroughs and God’s Suddenlies!

Trump's Inauguration and Release of Hostages All Converging in a Week of Breakthroughs and Suddenlies By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Photo courtesy of ICEJ and Friends of Zion Museum in [...]

Apocalyptic Man-Made Catastrophe

By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel "Apocalyptic" describes the extraordinary scale of destruction by the fires in California, the immediate threat to life, the displacement of large populations, and the dramatic [...]

How Much Longer Until Jesus Returns?

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel It’s hard to believe that with the New Year 2025 it has now been a quarter of a century since our ministry held revival services [...]

How to Say ‘Christmas’ in Hebrew

By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Through the centuries iconoclasts have tried to ban the observance of Christmas. If the Lord’s birth weren’t an integral part of the Christian faith and [...]

Prophetic Events Escalating!

By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Studying Bible prophecy is like poring over a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.   The longer time passes, the more easily we can put the pieces [...]

Hanukkah and Christmas Converging!

By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel There IS a significant connection between Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, and the birth of the world’s Redeemer, the Light of the World! This year [...]

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