A Week of Breakthroughs and God’s Suddenlies!
Trump's Inauguration and Release of Hostages All Converging in a Week of Breakthroughs and Suddenlies By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Photo courtesy of ICEJ and Friends of Zion Museum in [...]
Trump's Inauguration and Release of Hostages All Converging in a Week of Breakthroughs and Suddenlies By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Photo courtesy of ICEJ and Friends of Zion Museum in [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel It’s hard to believe that with the New Year 2025 it has now been a quarter of a century since our ministry held revival services [...]
(First published 25 December 2023 at Christine Darg's Substack) By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Merry Christmas, or as my British family more properly says, Happy Christmas! Yes, joy to the [...]
"Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the appointed time will come." (Mark 13: 33) By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Behold, the Bridegroom Comes! The Bride [...]
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2) By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel This is the most solemn day on the Jewish calendar: [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel As the Church Age winds down and the nation of Israel is arising again, the Millennial Rule of King Messiah is looming large on the [...]
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Jesus is coming for his Bride (all born-again believers) but Satan knows he must cover-up the Rapture event with a lie. Thus all the UFO [...]
In a dream, a night vision, When deep sleep falls on men, While they slumber on their beds. (Job 33: 15 THE ISRAEL BIBLE) By Christine Darg OPINION [Originally published [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel I often hear preachers declaring, "The Lord is coming for a GLORIOUS church!" The statement is made so frequently that we may think these preachers [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel The world is racing toward conditions described by the Book of Revelation with restrictions creeping into all levels of society. Everybody [...]