Second Coming

A Week of Breakthroughs and God’s Suddenlies!

Trump's Inauguration and Release of Hostages All Converging in a Week of Breakthroughs and Suddenlies By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Photo courtesy of ICEJ and Friends of Zion Museum in [...]

How Much Longer Until Jesus Returns?

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel It’s hard to believe that with the New Year 2025 it has now been a quarter of a century since our ministry held revival services [...]

God Is In the Details

(First published 25 December 2023 at Christine Darg's Substack) By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Merry Christmas, or as my British family more properly says, Happy Christmas! Yes, joy to the [...]

Battle Stations for Every Intercessor!

"Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the appointed time will come." (Mark 13: 33) By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Behold, the Bridegroom Comes! The Bride [...]

Yom Kippur: the Last Call to Repent Before a Big Trumpet Blast!

“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2) By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel This is the most solemn day on the Jewish calendar: [...]

Dress Rehearsal for the Return of the Lord

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel As the Church Age winds down and the nation of Israel is arising again, the Millennial Rule of King Messiah is looming large on the [...]

Conditioning Our Minds?

By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Jesus is coming for his Bride (all born-again believers) but Satan knows he must cover-up the Rapture event with a lie. Thus all the UFO [...]

My Intercessory Call to Israel Through an Epic Dream

In a dream, a night vision, When deep sleep falls on men, While they slumber on their beds.  (Job 33: 15 THE ISRAEL BIBLE) By Christine Darg OPINION [Originally published [...]

Where Is the Glorious Church?

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel I often hear preachers declaring, "The Lord is coming for a GLORIOUS church!" The statement is made so frequently that we may think these preachers [...]

Who by Death and Who by Rapture?

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel      The world is racing toward conditions described by the Book of Revelation with restrictions creeping into all levels of society.      Everybody [...]

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