On a Hope and Many Prayers
Leaders and Influencers from around the world converged on Trump's Winter White House to Fight! Fight! Fight! Meaning Pray! Pray! Pray! By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel During the fragile window [...]
Leaders and Influencers from around the world converged on Trump's Winter White House to Fight! Fight! Fight! Meaning Pray! Pray! Pray! By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel During the fragile window [...]
Now it shall come to pass that in the last days the mountain of the house of the LORD will be established as the chief of the mountains, and will [...]
Orthodox Jew Gidon Ariel (Root Source) dines at kosher Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast with Chinese delegates When has it ever been possible for Orthodox Jews and Christians in large gatherings [...]
Click here to view our latest Exploits Magazine. Articles by Christine Darg include Jesus in Biblical Samaria, the Second Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast and Four Types of Prayer.
Diplomatic Dining: Jerusalem Channel Co-Founder Christine Darg (right) with Mirela Petan, Co-Founder of Alfa Omega TV By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel During the Millennium, the nations will come [...]