By Christine Darg
Jerusalem Channel
During the Millennium, the nations will come up to Jerusalem to worship King Messiah, and increasingly it is happening as more and more embassies relocate in Israel’s capital and as Christian leaders turn their sights upon the City of the Great King.
In fact, hundreds of Christian leaders, both ministers and politicians, representing 70 nations attended the second annual Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC) Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast during Israel’s 70th anniversary.
My husband and I were privileged to be among the founders of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast movement last year when it began on 7 June 2017 in honour of the Jubilee (50) year reunification of Jerusalem after the 1967 Six-Day War. The fellowship between Jews and Christians last year seemed unprecedented but this year even greater. It is our privilege to pray that our nations will become sheep nations (obedient to God) and not goat nations (rebellious).
This year U.S. Congresswoman and former Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann reminded us that the second Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast was being held on the last day of the Year of Jubilee and so our prayers and intercessions were very intense, putting our faith out to believe Big Jubilee Breakthroughs from the God of Israel who has stunned us with so many answers to prayer already.
Michele Bachmann shared a powerful message on the dynamic of prayer, citing the 2016 Presidential election of Donald Trump as a prime example of how God turns things around when his people pray.
Member of Knesset (MK) Yehuda Glick hit a home run message at the breakfast this year speaking on Psalm 122 and praying for the peace of Jerusalem. The atmosphere in the new Orient Hotel ballroom was electric as he began to praise the God of Israel for what the Almighty is doing in bringing Jews and Christians together in an unprecedented manner in our day. This man of God suffered four bullets from an assassination attempt and more recently the death of his precious wife, yet he lives in the flow of an End-time anointing as a peace maker and bridge builder.
All the leaders assembled from the 70 nations knew that the number 70 was no accident but that it was ordained by God. In fact, in the Seder service on the Jewish festival of Passover, the assumption that there are 70 nations and languages in the world is based upon the ethnological Table of the Nations in Genesis 10, enumerating 70 grandsons of Noah, each of whom became the ancestor of a nation.
Various members of governmental parliaments prayed and proclaimed Scriptures, and one of the most touching moments was when a Ghanaian tribal king proclaimed Isaiah 62:2, “Nations will see your righteousness and all kings, your glory.”
The event was a huge success, and we are so grateful for all of the support and prayers for Jerusalem! We heard from many other political and faith leaders, including Reuven Rivlin, the President of Israel, as well as Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of the late Billy Graham.
Congresswoman Bachmann led us in prayer for Guatemala, the upcoming North Korean talks, the upcoming Brazil election and other issues concerning the embassies of nations and Israel. Last year we prayed for the U.S. Embassy to be moved, and it happened! God heard our prayers!
Indeed, according to Isaiah 29: 7, “Every brutal nation that attacks Jerusalem and makes it suffer will disappear like a dream when night is over.” Contemporary English Version
Beautiful Story! God is Good! Give him praise everyday. We Love You Father!