- Praise: We serve a Risen Savior who is in the world today! He has won the victory over the final enemy which is death. And if He has done that – nothing is impossible for Him.
He will swallow up death in victory, and the Lord YHWH will wipe tears from off all faces, and he shall take away the rebuke of His people from all the earth, for YHWH has spoken it.Isa. 25:8
- We bless You that despite what we see in the world today, the God of Israel reigns (Isa. 52:7).
- Lord Yeshua, we rejoice that all authority in heaven and on earth are now Yours (Matt. 28: 18).
- Thank You for giving us the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49; John 15:26).
- You, God of Israel, who dwell outside of time, are the Unchangeable Changer (Mal. 3:6).
- We praise You for having given us eternal life already in Messiah Yeshua (John 17:2-3).
- Hallelujah! Israel’s future, and ours, is secure in You who knows the future (Isa. 42:9; 45:21).
- Thank You for allowing us to participate in Your Kingdom’s appearing via our prayers (Luke 11:2).
[From Chuck: As I was finishing this alert it was announced that Israel and the United Arab Emirates had signed a peace treaty – orchestrated by US President Trump. While this is good news as it has Iran and the Palestinians freaking out, still I’m concerned that Trump and Netanyahu are playing games with God’s land as part of this treaty is Israel delaying or forsaking its plans to extend sovereignty over areas of Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley. Without having time to pray into this, I’m not sure what to think – other than 2020 has been most exciting and it is not over yet!]
- Government: Israel’s divided “unity” government is very painful to watch. Yet as we prayed much for a government through which God can be glorified, and as we trust that He knows what He is doing, if this government is not the answer, or even a partial answer, to our prayers, it must be a stepping stone to answering those prayers.
- Lord, You told us to make praying for those in authority a priority (1 Tim. 2:1-3) and You also encouraged us to always pray and not to faint (Luke 18:1). By Your grace, we will do just that.
- Guide this government (Psa. 43:3a) and guide us as we pray for it (Psa. 32:8).
- Use this
weak and foolish
government for Your glory (Psa. 115:1-3; 1 Cor. 1:27-29). - Lord, block all political manipulation from inside or outside against this government.(Jer. 29:8).
- You alone know the hearts of all people (Jer. 17:9-10), so we ask You to turn the hearts of Israel’s leaders to do Your will (Prov. 21:1).
- Continue to refine Israel’s current leadership in every way (Isa. 1:25; Mal. 3:3).
- At times it appears that new elections are a better choice than putting up with this dysfunctional government. Yet not our will, but Yours be done (Matt. 6:10; Col. 1:9).
- Give great wisdom to enable a government budget to be passed (Prov. 16:16).
- Thank You for PM Bibi Netanyahu and his strong leadership in Israel over the years (Psa. 89:21).
- If his time as leader is almost over, let him know and draw him closer to Yourself (Isa. 46:4).
- Meanwhile, he is still in office, so surround him with wise, godly counselors and remove from him all who are not (Psa. 1:1; 1 Cor. 15:33).
- During this time when Defense Minister and Alternative Prime Minister Benny Gantz is recovering from back surgery –reveal Israel’s King, Messiah Yeshua, to him (Acts. 9:3-5).
- Raise up those whom You have chosen to lead this nation in to the future (Jer. 29:11).
- Mature the next generation of Israeli politicians – many of whom seem to be people of honor: Nir Barkat; Naftali Bennett; Ayelet Shaked; Pnina Tamano-Shata; Ron Dermer; Yossi Cohen; and others.
- Provide a miracle and the wisdom needed to resurrect Israel’s economy (Num. 11:23; Jer. 32:41-44).
- Bring believers into the Knesset – at least into positions to speak Your wisdom and word (Psa. 49:3).
- King of Israel, thank You that ultimately the government is on Your shoulders (Isa. 9:6-7).
- Education: It is still not clear if Israel’s school year will start in September. Obviously, this all has to do with the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus pandemic.
All your children shall be taught of YHWH, and great shall be their peace.Isa. 54:13
- Please guard against any anti-God, anti-Zion lessons creeping into the curriculum (Psa. 119:9).
- Lord, we ask for the school year to start in Your perfect timing (Luke 12:6-7).
- Israel needs thousands more qualified teachers. Raise them up at this time (Isa. 30:20).
- Make all remote learning as effective as possible (Psa. 119:99).
- Bring Education Minister Gallant and Health Minster Edelstein into one accord with Prof. Gamzu, Israel’s ‘corona-czar’, for all plans that are decided on concerning the school system (Psa. 133:1).
- Give them realistic, enforceable and easily explained guidelines (1 Cor. 14:8).
- Have mercy Lord, on the parents and let them have some idea of what to expect (Psa. 23:6).
- Erase all anxiety, depression and fear from Israeli parents concerning this uncertainty (Psa. 4:8).
- Covid-19: A lack of clarity and communication still causes much angst among Israelis. It also brings out a rebellious streak that thinks “if the authorities are not consistent and can’t communicate to us, then let’s do what we think is best”.
- Give believers wisdom to see the times we are living in and to be godly examples (1 Chr. 12:32).
- Abba, make this nation a light in not trying to go back to “normal” but in moving on to whatever the “new normal” is that is rushing towards the world in the immediate future (Isa. 60:3).
- Help Prof. Gamzu and the government’s corona round-table to communicate clearly with the people and to formulate effective strategies (Zech. 8:16).
- Remove all political roadblocks from Gamzu’s path (Isa. 57:14).
- When government guidelines are clear, speak to Israelis to heed them (Heb. 13:17).
- As You are a God of order and not confusion, expel out all spirits of confusion in this government in this battle against corona (1 Cor. 14:33).
- Move on the ultra-Orthodox and Israeli-Arab leaders to tell their people to obey the guidelines.
- Help the overworked medical personnel to know what to do and what not do (Psa. 32:8).
- Give them protection, strength and health, and bless them with a knowledge of You (Psa. 23:1-2).
- By Your mercy, prevent Israeli hospitals from being overwhelmed by too many patients.
- Speak Your word to Israelis today:
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for You are with me; Your rod and staff comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.
(Psa. 23:4-5)
- Security – Gaza: There have been dozens of incendiary devices that have come over the Gaza security fence and started many fires in Israel. Both Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gantz have threatened to respond against the terrorist group Hamas which controls Gaza, and there have been several Israeli attacks against Hamas targets this past week.
- Thank You for this verse from Shabbat’s prophetic portion:
No weapon formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of YHWH’s servants, and their righteousness is of Me, says YHWH.
(Isa. 54:17) - Lord, wake up the world to see how the Palestinians hate the Jews more than they love this land which they claim is theirs from time immemorial (Psa. 25:19).
- Abba, please remember all our past intercessions for this area and use those requests which are relevant today to move Your arm (Psa. 50:15).
- Give the IDF wisdom to respond in a way that sends Your fear into Hamas’ hearts (Psa. 9:20).
- Keep all the IDF soldiers guarding the Gaza security fence alert and safe (Psa. 121:4).
- Defense Minister Gantz had criticized Bibi’s response to Hamas’ activity repeatedly during the campaign cycles. Now move on him to walk his talk (Job 16:3).
- If there are any hidden storage places in Gaza – like what we have seen exposed in Beirut – help the IDF to quickly find and eliminate them (Job 12:22).
- Refine and use the anti-balloon, anti-drone laser weapon that Israel has developed, and help Israel to produce more of them quickly (Deut. 33:29; Psa. 119:114).
- Show Israel how to defeat the primitive weapons that Hamas is successfully using against it.
Hamas taunts and threatens Israel, like Goliath and the Philistines who lived in that same geographic area. We are reminded and encouraged by what David said to Goliath: “You come at me with a sword, a spear, and a shield: but I come to you in the name of YHWH of hosts, the God of Israel’s armies whom you have defied. This day YHWH will deliver you into my hand…so that all the earth may know there is a God in Israel. And all this host will know that YHWH saves not with sword or spear, for the battle is YHWH’s…
(1 Sam. 17:45-47) Amen!
- Thank You for this verse from Shabbat’s prophetic portion:
- Security – Hizbullah: Lebanon seems to be disintegrating. Most Lebanese and many others blame the Iranian backed terrorist group Hizbullah as the main culprit behind the horrific blast in Beirut’s port last week. Will Hizbullah decide to help Lebanon, or will they attack Israel and try to divert attention from themselves and rally the Lebanese against a common enemy?
- Thank You for the IDF still being on high alert on the Lebanese border (Jer. 51:12).
- We ask for continued accurate actionable intelligence to Israel re: Hizbullah’s plans (2 kin. 6:11-12).
- If Israel needs to pre-empt, enable her leaders to do so with the maximum mercy possible toward the enemies’ civilians. But, even at this disastrous time for Lebanon, do not allow Israel to do so at the expense of her own civilians. (Isa. 26:10; Eccl. 8:11).
- Lord, it grieves us that so many Lebanese have been taught to hate Israel. Use this explosion to shatter the lie that Israel is their enemy, and show them that their real enemy is in their midst.
- Thank You for destroying this huge stockpile of very dangerous material (Psa. 5:6, 10).
- Have mercy on the thousands of Lebanese who are injured or have lost loved ones and the tens of thousands who are now homeless (Matt. 5:44; Rom. 12:14).
- Set the Lebanese free from their Hizbullah tyrants, and raise up a new generation of bold politicians who are not slaves to Hizbullah.
- Cut off all Iranian finances to Hizbullah and income from its global drug trade (Ezek. 28:1-8).
- Cut off any financial help to Lebanon from the nations which ends up in Hizbullah’s coffers.
- Use the true Church in Lebanon to be part of the answer by declaring the gospel and by interceding for their nation and its relationship with Israel (Rom. 1:16; 1 Tim. 2:8; Num. 24:9b).
- Let them pray during this time of no government for Your leaders to come forth (Isa. 58:12).
- Almighty God of Israel, use this explosion to ignite a genuine revival in Lebanon (Acts 16:26-31).
- Turn many Muslims who are part of Hizbullah against that organization (Psa. 55:9).
- Also, use this explosion to destroy the Iranian regime’s demonic plans (Psa. 33:10).
- If this recently cobbled-together nation should divide to bring each indigenous group some peace, then please do it.
- US elections: Why does IFI pray into the US Presidential elections? First, America is still a superpower and the only real ally of Israel – especially with Trump in office. Second, regardless of where you live, the results of the November presidential elections will impact you and your nation. While only US citizens have spiritual authority to pray specifically for election results, we can all pray for the American Church to intercede and to vote in line with God’s will. We base this on Derek Prince’s teaching that believers have real authority only where they have real responsibility.
- Lord, remove from the US Church the idea that praying into politics is less than spiritual, especially as You specifically told us to do just that (1 Tim. 2:1-3).
- Show American believers their responsibility to You to pray into these elections (Prov. 14:34).
- Reveal to them that in prayer there is no separation of church and state (Jer. 29:7).
- Give to more born again believers in America a revelation of the connection between how a nation deals with Israel and that nation’s blessings or curses from You (Gen. 12:3a; Num. 24:9b).
- Lord Yeshua, protect all churches worldwide from false prophets and false prophecies (Matt. 24:11).
- Aliyah: Israel’s Minister of Immigration, Pnina Tamano-Shata, has just announced her plan to bring the remaining 9,000 Ethiopians Jews to Israel over the next two years. This is an answer to pray but it needs to be watched over in pray as intentions and actually doing something are at times two very different things,
- Thank You for this news. Please watch over her words and make them a reality (Jer. 31:8-9).
- Open wide the doors of this nation and of the hearts of the Israelis to receive these people (Isa. 26:2).
- Prepare the Israeli Ethiopian community to embrace and help them get settled (Jer. 24:6).
- Thank You for the hundred plus Jews from Mexico that came home this past week (Isa. 43:5-7).
- Keep the aliyah momentum going that impacted many Jewish communities in exile when the Covid-19 first appeared. Do not allow this flame to die out (Jer. 50:4-5).
- Whether Jews come home because they want to or because they need to escape – we ask You to bring them all home (Jer. 16:16; Ezek. 39:28).
Shabbat shalom and blessings from Zion from the IFI team
Thank you for this prayer, I feel to pray as an intercessor and plan to study the format and way of your prayer, so that I can focus on those areas where the power of my prayer can be most effective. The Lord teaches and guides me, love to you.