Develop a quick mentality to keep faith with God.
Zechariah and Elizabeth were advanced in age and childless. One day the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah while he was serving in the holy Temple. Gabriel announced the spectacular good news that Zechariah shouldn’t fear, that God had heard his supplication, and he would have a special son who would turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God “in the spirit and power of Elijah!”
What a fabulous promise given within the sanctified environs of the holy Temple!
Could anybody doubt such a promise in such a setting?
Yet Zechariah staggered in unbelief and consequently was struck speechless until John the Baptist was born.
(Notice that the promise was fulfilled despite Zechariah’s unbelief. God as a covenant keeper and sender of Elijah is greater than any Israelite’s unbelief.)
On the other hand, when Gabriel announced to Mary that she would bear the Messiah, she responded, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” Mary said “Amen” to the promise.
Whenever God speaks, let us rise to the occasion with an “Amen,” doubting nothing!
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