Prayer and Intercession

Intercessors for Israel Friday Prayer Points

July 7th, 2017 via Intercessors for Israel Looking out over a misty Jerusalem from the IFI office, which is on the top of one of Jerusalem's tallest buildings, we praised [...]

By |2017-09-16T16:45:05+00:00July 7th, 2017|Categories: Prayer and Intercession|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Intercessors for Israel Friday Prayer Points

June 30th, 2017 via Intercessors for Israel We started by turning our attention to the beginning verses of Psalm 89. I will sing of the mercies of YHWH forever; with [...]

Ramadan Begins: Light of the World Penetrates Islam

'Light of the World' Mideastern Lantern by William Holman Hunt This detail above of the Lord's mantle is from William Holman Hunt's "The Light of the World," and [...]

We're Living in 'Dire Straits' and How to Pray

Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel By Christine Darg We're living in the time of "Dire Straits," and I'm not talking about the British rock band by that title! Every [...]

Praying During National Crises

Christine Darg,  Jerusalem Channel "For the hurt of my people I am hurt, I mourn, and astonishment has taken hold of me." (Jeremiah 8:21) As an intercessor who [...]

'God Is Nigh;' Revival Is Now!

By Christine Darg For years we have prayed, interceded, preached the Gospel and lived in the spirit of Revival. I've seen Revival a number of times, and I always believe [...]

The Cost of Intercession by Lance Lambert This is an audio recording of Lance Lambert, of blessed memory, speaking at one of The Jerusalem Channel's conferences on the cost of being an intercessor for Israel and [...]

Commonwealth of Israel Shabbat Prayer Written for Christians

Christine Darg One of the trends of the present Hebrew Roots movement is the recovery of the Sabbath day, which is being observed by many Christians, including the [...]

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