Behold, How Good and Pleasant It Is When Brethren Sit Together in Unity
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Such a joy seeing Trump and Bibi together again and [...]
Intercessors for Israel Friday Prayer Points
Praise: The original Passover in Egypt is in Shabbat's Torah portion (Ex. 12). What is [...]
Perspective Needed on Trump
He is not the Messiah nor is he the Antichrist. He has been raised up [...]
Intercessors for Israel Friday Prayer Points
Praise:Shabbat's Torah portion in the book of Exodus declares several times that God judged Egypt [...]
A Week of Breakthroughs and God’s Suddenlies!
Trump's Inauguration and Release of Hostages All Converging in a Week of Breakthroughs and Suddenlies [...]
On a Hope and Many Prayers
Leaders and Influencers from around the world converged on Trump's Winter White House to Fight! [...]
Apocalyptic Man-Made Catastrophe
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel "Apocalyptic" describes the extraordinary scale of destruction by the fires [...]
How Much Longer Until Jesus Returns?
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel It’s hard to believe that with the New Year 2025 [...]
How to Say ‘Christmas’ in Hebrew
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Through the centuries iconoclasts have tried to ban the observance [...]
Prophetic Events Escalating!
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Studying Bible prophecy is like poring over a 1,000 piece [...]
Hanukkah and Christmas Converging!
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel There IS a significant connection between Hanukkah, the Festival of [...]
Gratitude for America’s Reawakening
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel How grateful I am this Thanksgiving week that America has [...]
Now They Want to Arrest Bibi
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel The globalists want to arrest both Donald Trump and Benjamin [...]
Space Aliens or Just Plain Demons?
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel This image of a Fake Rapture was generated by the [...]
How Will Bible Prophecy Unfold with Trump?
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel The USA elections: What a roller coaster! The American people [...]
‘And This Is the Blessing’
[Photo courtesy of Alex Kolomoisky] Screenshot By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel The Jewish [...]
The Palestinian Emperor’s New Clothes
By Jonathan Feldstein Special to The Jerusalem Channel “The Emperor's New Clothes" was published in [...]
Volunteering in Israel
By Christine Darg “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for [...]
October 7: Love Covers a Multitude of Sins
Screenshot By Christine Darg Israelis vowed “Never Again” after the Nazi Holocaust and [...]
The Trump of God
Screenshot By Christine Darg (Originally published at Substack on the Eve of Trumpets) [...]