They Will Believe the Lie
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel In 2 Thessalonians in the New Testament, the apostle Paul taught important information concerning the future antichrist dictator. Paul wrote that the coming of the [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel In 2 Thessalonians in the New Testament, the apostle Paul taught important information concerning the future antichrist dictator. Paul wrote that the coming of the [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Alarming headlines concern the comeback of antisemtisim—something we never dreamed possible after the repulsive and unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust. History is tragically repeating itself [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel The biblical holidays of the Jewish people have great spiritual significance, and today I want to examine the Feast of Tabernacles happening this week and [...]
By Jonathan Feldstein, special to Jerusalem Channel In the year of the pandemic, its no wonder that horrible things continue to come back in ways that are threatening and objectively [...]
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel Why do the Jewish people read the Book of Jonah annually in the afternoon service of Yom Kippur? Jonah, only four chapters, is the [...]
Christine Darg By Christine Darg Today’s funeral of Billy Graham was a watershed moment in the history of the Church and the last days. Many of us have [...]
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher, Jr, MD After the physician Luke recorded an unusual parable of Yeshua the Messiah in his Gospel in Luke 18:1-5 not recorded [...]
Christine Darg By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel What did John the Baptist mean when he said of Yeshua, "Behold, the Lamb of God!" To understand, you have to [...]
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher Jr., MD Have you ever known a controversial person? If you know Yeshua the Messiah, you know the most controversial person in [...]
By Christine Darg In the film classic “Ben Hur” starring Charlton Heston, my favorite scene is when Ben Hur returns to Jerusalem and searches for his mother and sister "in [...]