
They Will Believe the Lie

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel In 2 Thessalonians in the New Testament, the apostle Paul taught important information concerning the future antichrist dictator. Paul wrote that the coming of the [...]

The State of the Union Between Jews and Christians

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Alarming headlines concern the comeback of antisemtisim—something we never dreamed possible after the repulsive and unspeakable horrors of the Holocaust. History is tragically repeating itself [...]

The Feast of the Future!

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel The biblical holidays of the Jewish people have great spiritual significance, and today I want to examine the Feast of Tabernacles happening this week and [...]

The BBC’s Lie of Biblical Proportions

By Jonathan Feldstein, special to Jerusalem Channel In the year of the pandemic, its no wonder that horrible things continue to come back in ways that are threatening and objectively [...]

The Sign of Jonah

By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel   Why do the Jewish people read the Book of Jonah annually in the afternoon service of Yom Kippur? Jonah, only four chapters, is the [...]

Billy Graham’s Funeral: Prelude to Jesus’ Return

Christine Darg By Christine Darg Today’s funeral of Billy Graham was a watershed moment in the history of the Church and the last days. Many of us have [...]

Yeshua Changed the Script (Liturgy) of Passover

Christine Darg By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel What did John the Baptist mean when he said of Yeshua, "Behold, the Lamb of God!" To understand, you have to [...]

By |2023-04-11T08:36:28+00:00March 31st, 2017|Categories: Hebrew Roots|Tags: , , , , , , |1 Comment

A Clear Gospel Presentation in the Torah

By Christine Darg In the film classic “Ben Hur” starring Charlton Heston, my favorite scene is when Ben Hur returns to Jerusalem and searches for his mother and sister "in [...]

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