- Praise: The last verses of this week’s prophetic portion are very precious promises of God’s ultimate aim with the Jewish people, as well as with those from the gentiles who are grafted with the Jewish believers into Israel’s olive tree through Messiah Yeshua.
And I will betroth you unto Me forever. Yes, I will betroth you unto Me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth you unto Me in faithfulness: and you shall know YHWH.Hos. 2:19-20
- Thank You for desiring this kind of relationship with Your people – a real intimacy that is totally based on what You declare that You will do – totally based on Your amazing grace (Jer. 31:3)!
- We bless You that there is no Jew or Gentile when it comes to salvation in Messiah (Rom. 10:12).
- Praise You for placing us in Messiah Yeshua and relating to us through Him (Gal. 2:20).
- Lord, we are so grateful that You never change, that we can always depend on You (Mal. 3:6).
- Again, we praise You for Your hand of protection on Israel during the Covid-19 crisis (Isa. 31:5).
- Government: Israel finally has a government which was sworn in last Sunday. While this is a victory, the war is far from over. After praying and trusting the Lord to give Israel a government in whom He can be glorified, we need to continue in intercession, asking Him to make the current Israeli governing coalition exactly that. New ministries have had to be created for some ministers because politics in general is often a game of power and ego-pampering and backstabbing and, and… Oy vey!
- Thank You for the new government and in faith we bless You for all the ways in which it will end up being an answer to our prayers (Psa. 50:15; 115:1-3).
- What a blessings to see that all the parties in this coalition are pro-Zionists (Psalm 48:2).
- We bless You that with the huge amount of ministers and ministries, for the first time all sections of Israeli Jewish society are actually represented in the governing coalition (Zeph. 3:9).
- Give the new ministers a desire to work for Israel and not their own political careers (Prov. 11:27).
- Help them to learn quickly and to differentiate the wheat from the chaff (Heb. 5:14).
- Give these new ministers a teachable spirit (Psa. 32:8-9).
- In fact, make that true for all the coalition as harsh end-time events increase (Luke 21:25-26).
- Government: We prayed specifically by name for some of the ministers in the new coalition.
- Thank You that Bibi Netanyahu will continue as prime minister for the next 18 months (Psa. 80:17).
- Quickly bring to Benny Gantz all he needs to fulfill his new role as defense minister (Deut. 33:7).
- Repair the relationship between Bibi and Benny and bring them into a way of working together that is a blessing for Israel as well as a sanctification of Your holy name (Rom. 12:18; Ezek. 20:41).
- We ask the same for Netanyahu and Gabi Ashkenazi, Israel’s new foreign minister.
- Anoint Ashkenazi to be exactly the kind of foreign minister that Israel needs today (Joel 3:16).
- Yisrael Katz as finance minister is a surprise, but as his relationship with Bibi is excellent, let him learn from Netanyahu, asking for advice and guidance as often as needed (Isa. 1:17).
- Enable Yuli Edelstein, the former Knesset Speaker, a man of honor, know how to prepare the health ministry for whatever the future holds (3 John 1:11-2).
- Give him much insight about Israel’s current exit-strategy from its corona lockdown, showing him if Israel is moving too fast, not fast enough, or just right (Prov. 28:20; Eccl. 3:1).
- Help Katz and Edelstein work together with one mind and heart in dealing with bringing Israel out of the lockdown into a path of economic prosperity (Jer. 32:42-44; Zech. 8:14-15).
- Show him that abortion is sin and give him courage speak out against it (Prov. 14:12; 24:10-12)
- Thank You for Yoav Golant, the new education minister. Aid him to infuse a biblical spirit of Zionism into all of Israel’s schools and universities (Deut. 31:12-13; Prov. 22:6).
- Lord, hedge in new Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn who leans towards judicial activism (Job 8:3).
- Abba, over this Shabbat, speak to all the ministers – new and old – about their responsibility to lead this nation in righteous ways (Deut. 4:5-8; Prov. 14:34).
- Guide all of them to read the last verses of Shabbat’s prophetic portion (Hos. 2:19-20).
- Allow Netanyahu’s love for the Bible provoke all the other Knesset members to jealousy – especially the ultra-Orthodox (Jer. 15:16).
- Indictment: Netanyahu’s indictment trial begins this coming Sunday, May 24th.
- Again Lord, we ask for the truth, and only the truth, to be revealed (Jer. 5:1).
- If Netanyahu has done anything criminally wrong, then let him pay the price (Gal. 6:7).
- Yet if this is another anti-Bibi crusade on trumped up charges, reveal that as well (Job 34:21-22).
- Do not allow him to be mentally or emotionally divided in his role as Prime Minister (Psa. 6:2-4).
- Strengthen his gift of being able to compartmentalize his priorities at this time (Prov. 18:16).
- Bring this trial to a righteous conclusion, and do it as swiftly as possible (Deut. 1:16).
- Hedge in the media from making this more of a circus than they already have (Psa. 109:2).
- Annexation: Netanyahu’s goal of applying sovereignty by extending Israeli civilian law to areas in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley, is in line with US President Trump’s peace plan. Yet it has birthed more resistance from Western nations and left-wing liberal NGOs than from some Arab nations! Still, we need to hold Bibi up in prayer to do as he has promised as soon as possible.
- Lord, thank You for this time to extend sovereignty over more of Your Promised Land (Lev. 25:23).
- Impress on Netanyahu how this can be the biblical icing on his legacy if he just does it (Josh. 1:7).
- Yet this will need a miracle. Bring the new government into unity on this issue (Ezek. 37:17).
- We ask You to give them much wisdom on when and how to do it (Jam. 1:5).
- Do not allow Foreign Minister Ashkenazi to step on the brakes, waiting for the gentile nations to approve this biblically correct move – especially Jordan and most EU nations (Psa. 118:9; 146:3).
- Remove all excuses from the government to delay doing this now (Num. 14:8-9).
- Abba, move on Israeli rabbis and Messianic Jewish elders to lead their congregations in prayer asking You to make this a reality (Prov. 19:21).
- As for the nations raging against You by threatening Israel – like Jordan, France, Germany, the UK, and others – arise and bring their counsel to nothing (Psa. 33:10-11; Isa. 40:15-17).
- While we do not expect support from the nations, Lord, where is most of Your Church (Eph. 5:14)?
- God, it must grieve You to see how many Jews in exile are so humanistic and liberal and unbiblical that they also warn Israel to not do Your will. Please speak to them out of Psalm 81:8-12, one again.
- If they fear this move will increase anti-Semitism, open their eyes to see that anti-Semitism does not need any excuses to explode, as it uses whatever is available, like Covid-19 today (Jud. 2:1-4).
- And Lord, if they refuse to return home, then tell them to just be silent (Psa. 46:10; Hab. 2:20)!
- Security – Judea & Samaria: There is an increase of terrorist attacks in these areas recently. Whether because of the Trump peace plan and annexation or just the fruit of hate-filled anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish teaching in Palestinian schools, in their media and in the Koran, violence is on the rise. Just this week, PA President Abbas called once again for an end of all cooperation with Israel and the US – including security cooperation.
- Lord, show Israel if Abbas’ decree is real, or whether he is “crying wolf” once again (Psa. 58:3).
- Thank You for hearing that many in the PA security forces saying they would not even understand what a decree like this would look like (Psa. 55:9).
- Remind the PA security forces that if Hamas takes over – and it is only their cooperation with the IDF which prevents this – then they and their families will be the first to be slaughtered (Psa. 64:1).
- God, quickly give to Israel’s new Defense Minister Gantz the complete security picture in this area.
- Abba, in the hot weather, forbid that IDF soldiers drowse off while on guard (1 Cor. 16:13).
- Keep the security forces extra alert during the evenings and night of Ramadan (Isa. 52:1).
- Increase Israel’s already excellent intelligence network in these areas (Mark 4:22).
- Protect and abundantly bless all the Israeli civilians living in Israel’s biblical heartland, both as they travel on the roads and as they live in their communities (Psa. 23:4-6).
- As today is Jerusalem Day, please protect and defend this – Your city (Psa. 48:1-2; Isa. 37:35).
Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein, for I, says YHWH, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and the glory in her midst.Zech. 2:4b–5
- Security – Iran: Today, the last Friday of Ramadan, is “Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day” in Iran, a day dedicated to express hatred against Israel and America. Flags are burned and “Death to Israel; death to America!” chants ring out in the streets. This year, thanks to Covid-19, there will not be large parades but many will drive in cars and rage against American “infidels” and “the Jewish entity”.
- As per Romans 8:28, thank You for using Covid-19 to rain on Iran’s demonic parade!
- Lord, we bless You for answering pray, allowing Israel to make a successful cyber-attack on a large Iranian port as payback for Iran’s failed cyber-attack against Israel’s water infrastructure (Psa. 44:5).
- May the fear of Israel’s cyber capabilities hinder all further Iranian cyber attempts (Isa. 41:14-16).
- Make Israel’s cyber-warfare abilities way beyond the cutting edge of all other nations (Josh. 23:10).
- Give Israel wisdom to know who to share its breakthroughs with and who not to (Isa. 39:1-7).
- Lord, in great mercy forbid Israel to think its survival depends on a computer (Deut. 32:7-9)!
- You alone are Israel’s Rock, and not to be compared with the “rocks” of the nations (Deut. 32:31).
- Continue to drag Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp deeper into the Syrian swamp (2 Chr. 18:19-21; Ezek. 38:4).
- Dry up all of Iran’s resources which go to support terror and anti-Israel activities (Isa. 42:13-15).
- Lead DM Gantz to pre-empt all Iranian attacks and how to prevail against their continued attempts to encamp right next door to Israel in Syria (Prov. 21:31).
- Hear the Iranian Church’s prayers and set Iran free from that evil regime (1 Tim. 2:1-4).
- Security – China: Israel’s relationship with China in some areas is a source of concern for the current American Administration – and rightly so.
- Lord, thank You for Israel forming a committee to investigate its dealings with China (Psa. 51:6).
- Expose any ways in which Israel has placed its security at risk (Isa. 48:6).
- Give Israel courage to break all ties that are not in line with Your will (Psa. 56:11).
- Help Israel to maintain relations with China, yet not be naïve about its communist government.
- Since many missiologists predict China will be the world’s largest Christian nation by 2050, give Israel grace to grow strong relations with the Chinese people – especially the believers (Gal. 6:10).
- Mature the Chinese Church’s biblical understanding of Israel and of intercession (Col. 1:9).
- Aliyah: The return of the Jews is continuing. Whether under threat of terrorism, Covid-19, or economic shakings – the Jewish people are coming home. Yesterday 119 Ethiopians arrived to join families and friends already here. And the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews – a major facilitator of aliyah – just reported a 20% increase in applications since the virus crisis.
- Abba, we bless You for these new olim (immigrants) from Ethiopian and ask for You to pour out Your grace to help getting them settled and leading full lives here at home (Isa. 37:31).
- Thank You for the new Aliyah & Immigrant Absorption minister, Pnina Tamano-Shata, Israel’s first Ethiopian minister, and a woman who came to Israel when she was three years old (Num. 6:24-26).
- What a joy and answer to prayer to hear about her heart for the new immigrants (Zech. 8:2-7).
- Thank You for preparing her for just a time like this (Est. 4:13-14).
- Let her enthusiasm to see Jews return and get settled permeate all those she works with (Psa. 26:7).
- Give her wisdom on how to help them become successfully adjusted to life in Israel (2 Chr. 1:10).
- Surround her with likeminded helpers and remove all bureaucratic and financial hurdles (Isa. 62:10).
- Help her to build an excellent working relationship between her ministry the Interior Ministry, the Jewish Agency, and all Jewish and Christian groups laboring in the aliyah field (Isa. 49:22-23).
- We are asking for a miracle, that You would also create a good working relationship between her and Aryeh Deri, the head of the Interior Ministry and an ultra-Orthodox Jew (Jer. 32:17, 27).
- Lord, there seems to be a sudden increase in the release of hunters to drive Your people back home: besides anti-Semitism, there is now coronavirus and the shaking of the world’s economy (Jer. 16:16). Use them as efficiently as possible, and coupled with much mercy, flood this land with new olim.
- Let the Jews in exile sense an increasing insecurity and start looking towards Zion (Psa. 137:4-6).
- Speak to the Israelis living outside of this land that now is the time to return (Zech. 10:8).
- Thank You for the reports of the tens of thousands of Jews who are itching and preparing to return once international travel is reinstated (Isa. 60:8-9).
- Move on older Jews in exile to return to Israel and then draw their children after them (Zech. 8:4).
- Also move on the younger generation to return and then draw their elders after them (Zech. 8:5).
Shabbat shalom and blessings from a united Jerusalem!
For the IFI team
Thanks for a very clear and ordered breakdown of all the issues we currently face.