- Praise: These verses from the Psalms that are also part of this week’s prophetic portion.
I will call on YHWH, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies… YHWH lives; and blessed be my Rock, and let the God of my salvation be exalted. Psa. 18:3, 46
- Hallelujah! We serve and pray to a God who lives (Rev. 1:17-18)!
- Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us (Heb. 13:5).
- We rest in You who are the Almighty God who reigns over all (Psalms 103:19).
- Thank You for showing us that the ultimate goal of true prayer is for You to receive the glory!
Call on Me in the day of trouble; and I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. (Psa. 50:15)
I love You, O YHWH, my strength. YHWH is my stronghold, and my fortress, my deliverer; my God, my Rock; I will trust in Him; He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my refugee.Psa. 18:1-2
- The Gaza border is heating up again. There have been demonstrations – and not just on Fridays. Several Gazans have been killed and the incendiary balloons are starting fires in areas of southern Israel. We are also hearing reports of the IDF being more pro-active in its attempts to defend Israel’s south.
- Lord, this seems to be an unsolvable situation – but nothing is too hard for You (Jer. 32:17, 27).
- Please reveal Your wisdom and strategy to our political and military leaders to know what You want Israel to do in this day of battle (Prov. 1, 9).
- Protect the IDF soldiers as they defend this nation (Isa. 41:10).
- Be with them – especially if they need to go into Gaza (Isa. 41:11-13).
- Forbid all successful kidnappings and all “friendly fire” accidents.
- Lord of hosts, we ask for a quick resolution to this unacceptable situation (2 Chr. 29:36).
- Do not allow the real threat in the north hinder Israel from dealing with the real threat in the south.
- We thank You for the USA defunding UNRWA, and ask that this would bring a large dose of reality into the hearts and minds of many Palestinians who think they are refugees – but are not (Jer. 9:3-5)!
- Open the eyes of many Gazans to see that their real enemy is their leaders and not Israel (Isa. 42:7).
- Protect all of Israel’s spies and collaborators in Gaza.
- Protect the true Church in Gaza, and increase their spiritual and social influence (Acts 19:20).
- Protect all Israelis who still choose to live in that area and draw them closer to Yourself (Jer. 31:3).
- Honor their commitment to not be terrorized, and bless their celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles this coming week (Lev. 23:40-41).
- Another security concern is the current situation in Judea and Samaria – or what the world calls the West Bank. Palestinian Authority [PA] President Abbas is close to the end of his life and has not named a successor. Israeli security sees this leading to chaos, more violence and maybe a Palestinian civil war as various factions fight to gain control. On top of this, America has also cut much financial support, refusing to give money to Abbas who then pays terrorists’ families a monthly stipend.
- Lord, provide Israel all the intelligence it needs to know exactly what is happening there (Job 12:22).
- Let Israel’s cooperation with the PA security services be real and reveal if there is any deception coming from the Palestinian side (Psa. 55:21; 140:2).
- Give much wisdom and protection to Israel’s soldiers and all its undercover units (Psa. 121:4).
- Again, protect all Israelis there – both soldiers and settlers – from all kidnapping attempts (Jer. 31:10).
- If a civil war does break out – give Israel wisdom to know what to do and what not to do (Prov. 26:17).
- Thank You for the settlers’ courage to settle in Israel’s biblical heartland (Ezek. 36:8-12).
- Give them all the courage and strength to remain there (Amos 9:15).
- Show Israel’s government how to deal with terrorists in a biblical manner (Num. 35:16-18; Eccl. 8:11).
- Use the pressure that PA leaders are under from the USA to force them into making major political mistakes, enabling Israel to move closer to taking back complete control of Your land (Judg. 2:1-4).
- Save multitudes of Palestinians as You said, it is either salvation or destruction for them (Jer. 12:14-17).
- The downing of a Russian plane by Syria this past week has put a great strain on the relationship between Israel and Russia. There have been accusations from Russian military leaders against Israel, yet President Putin has called it a terrible accident – and not blamed Israel. We see a power struggle between Putin and his military leaders, and recognize that Russia’s army leaders have a history of hostility towards Israel and the Jews – while Putin is clearly a Philo-Semite. Israel’s ability to have the freedom to protect itself against all of Iran’s plots in Syria is vital to Israel’s security.
- Lord, we ask for clarity to see what You are doing in this confusing situation (Amos 3:7).
- We pray for Your solution to be done so that You will receive the glory (Psa. 50:15).
- Forbid that this tragic incident to hinder Israel’s ability or willingness to continue to destroy all Iranian weapons depots in Syria (Isa. 41:15-16).
- Give Israeli PM Netanyahu much courage to back up his words as he has said openly that Israel would continue to prevent Iranian forces from being established in Syria.
- Watch over Proverbs 21:1 in both Putin and Netanyahu’s life.
- Let Putin reign in his military leaders and not vice-versa (Dan. 4:25b).
- Concerning the Russian military leaders, we proclaim,
There are many plans in a man’s heart, but the counsel of YHWH shall stand. (Prov. 19:21)
- Let all counsel from America to Israel in this be of You – or let there be silence (Prov. 11:14; 15:22).
- As the IAF flies combat missions, give the Israeli pilots courage, wisdom and protection (Isa. 31:5).
- Resolve this tense situation between Israel and Russia – unless You are doing something which will become evident when it is fulfilled (Rev. 17:17).
- Do not allow Iran and Hizbullah to blindside Israel while it is dealing with Russia (Psa. 124:1-8).
- Municipal elections are being held in October. We prayed especially for Jerusalem – the city of the Great King (Matt. 5:35b). The candidate that seems to be the best at this point is Likud’s Zeev Elkin. So if you have faith for this – pray specifically for him to win.
- Lord, this is Your city, Prevail in a mighty way in this election (Psa. 96:10).
- Abba, please prevent either an ultra-Orthodox or an Arab from becoming mayor of Jerusalem.
- Lord, if Elkin is Your choice, show him how to gain favor in the eyes of You and man (Prov, 3:1-4).
- As Nir Barkat goes from being Jerusalem’s mayor to being part of Likud, watch over him (Psa. 37:23)
- If he is to be the next prime minister, let him and Netanyahu have an excellent working relationship.
- In all the municipal election in Israel – raise up those whom You have chosen for this time (Dan. 2:21).
- As the fall Knesset season restarts in October, there is a real possibility of Israel holding early elections. The next elections are to be held in November 2019, but if the current coalition cannot maintain its cohesion, the Netanyahu will most likely need to call for new elections.
- Lord, for Israel’s sake, we would ask that there would not be early elections.
- But if there need to be, may it be in Your timing and not man’s (Eccl. 3:1).
- Concerning that, we are comforted to know that Your kingdom ultimately rules over all (Psa. 103:19).
- Please guard Netanyahu’s decision so that it is what is best for this nation – and not what is best for his political future (Psa. 115:1-3).
- Bless Bibi and show him very clearly that You are the One who has raised him up at this time – and You could also very easily remove him (Est. 4:13-14).
- Aliyah – the immigration of Jews from exile to Israel, from captivity to freedom – is an issue that needs much prayer. It is intimately linked to Israel’s salvation and, according to the Bible, Israel will be the safest place in the world for Jews in the last days – not 100% safe, but safest!
- Lord, thank You for gathering Your scattered people, and promising to guard as you do that (Jer. 31:10).
- Change the hearts of the Jews in the UK who say if Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn becomes the next prime minister, they are leaving – but refuse to consider coming home to Israel (Jer. 51:9-10).
- Thank You for the door being opened to another 1,000 Ethiopian Falash Mura to return.
- Please keep that door opened so that the remaining 7,000 can also come home (Isa. 43:5-7).
- Abba, what will it take for the stubborn Jews in Europe to see the hunters in their nations (Jer. 16:16)?
- With as much mercy as possible, drag them home (Jer. 31:3).
- Speak to Messianic Jews in exile of the need to hear Your timing for their return (John 10:27).
- Let them know that the default position according to the scriptures is that they need to return – unless You tell them differently (Ezek. 36:24).
- If they are not willing to make aliyah – move upon them to be willing to be made willing (John 7:17).
- Somehow release Western Jews from their insistence to move to Israel and transplant their lifestyle, and show them that what You are wanting is for them to transplant their life (Ezek. 36:8, 12).
- Open wide the doors in Israel to welcome all Jews – regardless of race or religious beliefs (Isa. 62:10).
- It seems that too much of the Church is totally unaware and unconcerned with what their God is doing with all of His heart and all of His soul (Jer. 32:41-42). In fact, since this is the only time in all of Scripture where God says He will do something with His whole heart and soul, even one child of His who is not aware – or resists – this must grieve the Holy Spirit.
Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will truly plant them in this land with all My heart and all My whole soul. For thus says YHWH, As I have brought all this great evil on this people, so I will bring on them all the good that I have promised them.Jer. 32:41-42
- Lord, it is obvious that many of Your children do not read all of Your book. Move upon them by Your spirit and give them a deep hunger for Your Word – from Genesis to Revelation.
- Forbid that believers think that being spoon-fed by their pastors that is all they need to be fruitful in Your kingdom.
- Remove all evil shepherds who are only in ministry for their own sakes (Ezek. 34:1-10; Acts 20:28-30).
- Raise up shepherds who will feed the flock with the whole counsel of God (Jer. 23:3-4; Acts 20:27).
- We thank You for the growing remnant in the Church that does see how central Israel is to Your plans in preparation for the return of Israel’s King Messiah (Psa.. 102:13-16; Isa. 52:7).
- As it is only a remnant, move upon all hearts with the revelation of how You see Israel (Zech. 2:4-12).
- Use the remnant that does see as good leaven to impact the whole Body (Matt. 13:33).
- Show many that they need to be Bible believers – not just New Testament believers (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Open my eyes, so that I may behold wonderful things out of Your Law.Psa. 119:18
We finished by praying for the salvation of Israel during Succot – the Feast of Tabernacles – which starts this Sunday evening and lasts for eight days. It was at the climax of this feast that the following happened.
And in the last day of the great feast, Yeshua stood and cried out, saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes on Me, as the Scripture has said, Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”.’ (But He spoke this about the Spirit, which they who believed on Him should receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Yeshua was not yet glorified.) (John 7:37-39)
Hag sameach and Shabbat shalom
The IFI team |
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