Intercessors for Israel Friday Prayer Points
PRINT SHARE Praise: Three times in Shabbat's Torah portion Joseph tells his brothers that God used them to send him to Egypt so that through him salvation would come to them [...]
PRINT SHARE Praise: Three times in Shabbat's Torah portion Joseph tells his brothers that God used them to send him to Egypt so that through him salvation would come to them [...]
Praise: via In Shabbat's Torah reading Jacob testifies that the God of his fathers was with him in all of his trials and wanderings: …I will build [in Bethel] [...]
Praise: At times when God tests us He asks us what He asked Abraham in Shabbat's Torah portion: Is anything too hard for YHWH? (Gen. 18:14a) During this time of war in [...]
Praise: Tonight is Erev Rosh Hashanah, as this feast of the Lord begins at sundown. There are not a lot of instructions in the Torah on how to observe this [...]
Praise: Isaiah 54:5 from Shabbat's prophetic portion applies to Israel and believers as we are grafted into Israel's olive tree: For your Creator is your husband; YHWH of hosts is His name; [...]
Praise: [via Intercessors for Israel]One of the most encouraging faith-building verses in all of God's Word is found in Shabbat's Torah portion – and it comes from the mouth of [...]
Praise:The goal of God's election and protection of Israel is so that both Jews and gentiles know that Israel's God is God. This is clearly seen in Rahab's declaration to [...]
The following FRIDAY PRAYER POINTS are via the Intercessors for Israel and the photo is courtesy of Babette DuPlessis-Biddlecombe Praise: Today is Shavuot on the biblical calendar. This is the [...]
Via Intercessors for Israel (published with permission) Praise: Shabbat's prophetic portion contains one of the greatest descriptions of salvation in all of God's Word: I will betroth you to Me forever; [...]
via Praise:Jeremiah 17:14 in the prophetic portion combines God's healing grace with His saving grace, which results in the prophet declaring that God Himself is his praise! Heal me O YHWH [...]