By Christine Darg,
Jerusalem Channel
For all of his bravado and projection of Alpha Male success, Donald Trump continually demonstrated a refreshing level of humility during his election campaign when it came to receiving spiritual instructions and prophetic acts from evangelical pastors and leaders.
We watched The Donald mantled with a golden prayer shawl as he was prophesied over, and at an Hispanic church he was instructed to hold out his hands in a childlike manner to receive blessings.
Time and again, I was amazed as Trump went way beyond what any usual politician would have allowed in being handled, prophesied over and anointed!
Prophecies that he would become President proliferated, and many of them had a genuine ring of truth.
It’s not just the Christian world that has jumped on the Trump Train as far as spiritual speculations are concerned.

Screenshot of Rabbi Ben Artzi from a video in which he calls for Jewish people in the Diaspora to return to the Land of Israel
Now a prominent rabbi, followed by thousands of Orthodox Jews in Israel, is predicting that when Donald Trump takes office, he will receive help from heaven to overcome many obstacles. Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi did not claim any messianic office for The Donald, but he did predict that Trump will “bring peace to the world.”
Usually, incoming Presidents are given a bit of grace called a “honeymoon” period, but not Donald Trump! He’s been opposed from the start by radical leftists plotting to destroy his legacy even before it begins.
However, Rabbi Ben Artzi has made several stunning predictions. “The media will discover that outgoing President Barack Obama is a traitor,” Ben Artzi told Kikar HaShabbat, a Hebrew-language news service for Orthodox Jews. He called Obama “an injured beast.”
And Obama’s vengeful attempts to block or thwart Trump will fail, says the rabbi.
Ben Artzi’s prediction reminds me of the prophecy given by a retired firefighter, Mark Taylor, who rose out of obscurity in 2011 to predict that Trump would run for the nation’s highest political office and would be unstoppable. It was fascinating to watch the primaries and the campaign in its entirety in light of Taylor’s word, because all the laughter and attempts to sabotage Trump’s rise to political power have thus far failed.
Like the Christian Mark Taylor, Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi is also predicting that Trump will overcome seemingly implacable odds.
Particularly fascinating is the rabbi’s mention of the timing of United Nations Resolution 2334 passed December 23 on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Brazenly in defiance of the Bible itself, the resolution declared it illegal for Jews to live in the Biblical heartland–Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem.
For more than 30 years, the United States has vetoed anti-Israel resolutions, but this time Obama deliberately abstained from voting, thereby allowing the resolution to pass. But the rabbi said the timing of the resolution was divinely significant because of parallels with the revolt of the Jewish Maccabees which led to the miracle of Hanukkah and the restoration of the Temple.
“God arranged it that the United Nations Security Council decision, advanced by Obama, would fall on the first candle of Hanukkah,” said the rabbi. “This was in order for the Jews to receive it in the same spirit as the Jews thousands of years ago when evil decrees were placed on Israel.”
Furthermore, Ben Artzi decreed, “The resolution will fall, just as the United Nations itself will fall. And the 70 nations gathered in Paris Sunday trying to curry favor with Islam will fail.”
Rabbi Ben Artzi has also warned of the impending messianic war of Gog and Magog, which he said is clearly visible on the horizon.
If anything, I believe Trump’s election means that the Church has been given a reprieve–a window of time to keep winning as many souls as possible during the remaining Times of the Gentiles.
Whether or not Trump has become a genuine born-again believer (he has reportedly prayed a number of times with various Christian leaders) he is demonstrating that he will be a friend to the Church and not an enemy.
My friend Jan Willem van der Hoeven, a Christian leader in Jerusalem, also believes that the state of the world will improve as Trump’s rise to power receives help from heaven.
Van der Hoeven sent out a statement on the “ripple effect” of the presidency of Donald Trump:
“President Donald Trump will not only give Israel a tremendous boost; he will also be an encouragement to those upcoming political leaders who, for the good of their own nations, wish to emulate the recent developments in the United States: not political and global correctness, but the preservation of what was once unique and beautiful in relation to each nation’s past – many of which were influenced by our Judeo-Christian heritage. Among these leaders are those who voted for Britain’s exit from the European Union, and those in Norway who want their oil-endowed country to remain independent and not become part of the global union of nations. It is my prayer that Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, and her Minister of Finance Siv Jensen, whom I personally know to be devoted to Israel, will be used by God to steer their nation in the right direction!”
Van der Hoeven added, “This reality also bodes well for Geert Wilders, the leader of the Freedom Party – soon to be the largest political party in the Netherlands. It promises to give a moral and political boost to the man wishing to preserve the Netherland’s uniqueness instead of squandering it for a colorless, multicultural political correct nothingness!”
Indeed, the fact that Trump selected a genuinely born-again Christian as his Vice President, Governor Mike Pence, and has picked other true believers among his cabinet and staff, demonstrates that he is not ashamed to elevate conservative Christians. In fact, Franklin Graham, the son of Evangelist Billy Graham, will officiate as spiritual leader at Trump’s inauguration on Friday.
Furthermore, daughter Ivanka Trump, is married to a gifted and astute Orthodox Jew, Jared Kushner, whom Trump has appointed as a senior advisor to Israel to try to broker a peace deal. The family’s Jewish connections have been a great encouragement to Israel.
We sense we have a little bit more time to spread the Gospel. Hallelu-Yah!
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