The USA has been undergoing judgment. The handwriting has been on the wall for a long time. But Christine Darg observes that recent repentance events in Washington and the nomination of a godly judge to the Supreme Court may signal a turning point.
Marvin Matthew Rush
October 3, 2020 at 2:17 am - Reply
You are such a Blessing Christine like water in time of drought Love Marvin Rush
Marvin Matthew Rush
October 3, 2020 at 2:44 am - Reply
Dear Christine ask your Christian Leaders and Allies to pray for wisdom and Knowledge of the Most High God concerning the next 7 years for all Gods people including me Marvin Love Marvin Rush
Hi my name is Stacey Coker and I was wondering if you could email me your address so that I can send in a financial donation and also are you able to mail me out any DVD video concerning the end times and do you have a free copy of the Original Hebrew Bible written in English I really enjoy your videos they are very much helpful I Thank you and please pray for my family we need God’s mercy grace and salvation me and my family needs God favor over our lives
Thank you and have a wonderful day and may God Bless you and keep you safe
I’ve been blessed with your videos ever since I used to wait, after dark, in the car for my son to complete his violin practice when we were living in Germany. He is now 25 and returning to Germany–his home–to live and attend school. He is working on his master’s in biology. Please pray for him. His name is Nolan.
You are such a Blessing Christine like water in time of drought Love Marvin Rush
Dear Christine ask your Christian Leaders and Allies to pray for wisdom and Knowledge of the Most High God concerning the next 7 years for all Gods people including me Marvin Love Marvin Rush
Hi my name is Stacey Coker and I was wondering if you could email me your address so that I can send in a financial donation and also are you able to mail me out any DVD video concerning the end times and do you have a free copy of the Original Hebrew Bible written in English I really enjoy your videos they are very much helpful I Thank you and please pray for my family we need God’s mercy grace and salvation me and my family needs God favor over our lives
Thank you and have a wonderful day and may God Bless you and keep you safe
I’ve been blessed with your videos ever since I used to wait, after dark, in the car for my son to complete his violin practice when we were living in Germany. He is now 25 and returning to Germany–his home–to live and attend school. He is working on his master’s in biology. Please pray for him. His name is Nolan.