Israelis are calling for Jews worldwide to immigrate to Israel — they believe the handwriting is on the wall–ultimately there’s only safety for the Jewish people in the land of Israel. Trends are tragically reminiscent of the 1930s when Jews were hounded out of German universities. A re-run of an almost identical pattern of antisemitism is happening. Christine Darg gives a Bible prophecy update.
So good, many thanks for helping us keep sharp like flint on the plow! WE love you Christine! You are
with out a doubt the best.
How wonderful you are to me, dear Shlomy and Miriam~
Very little bible prophecy is taught in my church and others churches I have attended where I lives in the US. I am very blessed to have heard this the handwriting on the wall.
Thank you from Christine Darg
I thank you for the message and of course, I totally agree with what you said. It is worrying to know that many evangelicals ( and others) are trying to lead people into self-determination concerning biblical truths. Here in England we now decided to ‘bless’ same sex unions, stopping short of performing a marriage ceremony! How can one bless sin?
Great to see you on Revelation tv. Would like to reconnect after many years. Peter and Tricia Gillett formerly of Christian Business Alliance and mutual friend Peter Garner of Hereford. We run East Gate Fellowship near Great Yarmouth UK. First visited Israel in 1992 with ICCC Business Minitry. God bless you both.
Great to hear from you. Please kindly connect by signing up for our emails at the contact link. Blessings, cd
Your messages on this wonderful channel make me weep for joy! You are RIGHT ON, dear sister! I pray you will be kept safe, and strong, and blessed until our Lord Yeshua’s return!
I would dearly love to have visited you and Jerusalem, when I was able to travel, but now age 89, I must accept I have left it too late. But ah, I so look forward to meeting you and enjoying glorious fellowship around the Throne of God!
Declaring the Name of Jesus and His salvation is what really counts and in taking as many people to heaven with us as we possible can. Jesus warned of a great increase in deception. He urged His people not to be deceived by false antichrists.
God equips each person with what He knows we can handle so that we can be about our Father’s business. The choice is ours as to where our focus will be. Glory be to our God.