In this short video, Christine Darg explains the Esther Fast for Purim and why it’s especially timely because of the Israeli Prime Minister’s strategic speech to Congress.
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4: 14)
By Christine Darg
From time to time our Exploits Ministry is led to call upon believers everywhere to take a stand.
At this critical time, Israel’s Prime Minister needs our prayers and fastings, as he is almost like a lone voice crying in the wilderness against the tyranny of the mullahs in Iran who want to wipe Israel off the face of the map.
Israel’s battle is also the battle of all who love freedom. The Fast of Esther takes place during Purim, the Jewish holiday that celebrates Jewish victory over annihilation and genocide.
The nation of Iran today evokes a spiritual dejavu: the Jew’s ancient enemy in the Persian empire was named Haman and in our parents’ generation, we have seen Hitler, and now– Hamas, Hezbollah and a new Haman spirit arising in Iran.
In fact, according to the sages, in every generation Israel’s ancient enemy Amalek arises to try to destroy them through anti-Semitism. Fast forwarding millennia, the Persians (Iranians) dangerously are on the verge of a nuclear threshold.
Netanyahu will address the U.S. Congress on Tuesday March 3, the Eve of the Esther Fast. Will the world listen? I believe our prayers and fastings will make a difference!
Believers everywhere have the privilege to stand with the God of Israel by using the spiritual means of both fasting and praying to strengthen Netanyahu’s voice and the resolve of our leaders at this time. Read more.
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