Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up!
https://vimeo.com/1038379121 The world demands, Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up! Christine Darg answers with Revelation 1: 7, “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see [...]
https://vimeo.com/1038379121 The world demands, Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up! Christine Darg answers with Revelation 1: 7, “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see [...]
Many have no idea that the Lord's Last Supper was a Passover seder meal. Christine Darg studies the secrets of the seder as revealed in the Gospels. The Lord's last [...]
In this Bible prophecy update, Christine Darg says God is restoring everything the Jewish people lost for the past 2,000 years! And why is He building Jerusalem in our day? [...]
Bible prophecy update by Christine Darg and a teaching on how if even John the Baptist wavered about Jesus's role at his first coming--how much more the people before his [...]
Christine Darg's Bible prophecy update at Hanukkah and Christmas.
The Lord gave a number of teachings called parables concerning the end of the world. Christine Darg says these parables are certainly relevant and super timely!
Jesus asked, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Isn’t it amazing that the Lord will be looking for persistent faith more than anything [...]
The closing days of the Church Age will be increasingly tense and deceptive, demanding that believers continually look at circumstances through the filter of faith, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine [...]
Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg teaches essential End-Time truths. It’s become more important than ever that we steer the course and don’t fall into the ditch in these strange End-times [...]
Many mysteries are being unsealed in the Last Days, and we're in a special countdown window between Passover and Pentecost. These are days of destiny, and Christine Darg gives a [...]