The Power of Prophecy
Many professing believers don’t acknowledge the existence of prophets in the Church today. They believe prophets were confined to Bible times. Yet the ongoing office of prophet/prophetess is clearly mentioned [...]
Many professing believers don’t acknowledge the existence of prophets in the Church today. They believe prophets were confined to Bible times. Yet the ongoing office of prophet/prophetess is clearly mentioned [...]
Our sinless benevolent Lord will soon rule righteously for a thousand years. What a relief his government will bring from corrupt politicians and warlords. In the meantime, Jerusalem Channel presenter [...]
The New Testament says believers should be prepared always to give an answer for what we believe, but many Christians are dangerously espousing faulty views. Christine Darg explores these notions.
The influence of one great praying man or woman of God can literally change the world, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg! We must never underestimate the power of intercession!
In this world distraught with distractions, only a minority of Christians real consider Jesus’s last command. Christine Darg calls for a return to holy audacity to fulfil the Great Commission [...]
Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg outlines seven spiritual essentials in order to stay on track in these perilous times.
A visit to Akko, Israel, and discussing if the Apostle Paul should have gone up to Jerusalem despite prophetic warnings. Christine Darg examines Holy Spirit guidance for mature believers.
Christine Darg addresses the urgent importance of sharing your faith with children because 83% of all Christians make their commitment to follow the Lord Jesus between the ages of 4 and 14. [...]
Christine Darg discusses how we should deal with Satan's accusations and lies.
Christine Darg takes us through Paul's exploits in sufferings, but none is more insidious than what Paul called "the peril of false brethren."