God’s Global Reset Plan
This world is in transition, and the Kingdom of Heaven will soon be established on earth. We live in light of this blessed hope (Titus 2:13). The world's rulers are [...]
This world is in transition, and the Kingdom of Heaven will soon be established on earth. We live in light of this blessed hope (Titus 2:13). The world's rulers are [...]
A person who reads the news knows something of what’s going on, even if facts are distorted, but those who study the Bible know WHY the world is unraveling! In [...]
Many false narratives are resulting in great End-time moral confusion. We’re literally living in Psalm 2 describing the conspiracies of the nations against God and against his anointed Messiah on [...]
Due to unprecedented depths of deception in the Last Days, deep discernment is necessary for survival, says JerusalemChannel presenter Christine Darg.
In this Bible prophecy update, Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg asks who are the Elect of God in the Last Days? Jews? Christians? or both?
Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg says sound theology is everything! Israel is like the top button on a shirt. Get that wrong and all the buttons are out of order.
Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg teaches essential End-Time truths. It’s become more important than ever that we steer the course and don’t fall into the ditch in these strange End-times [...]
The day of the LORD is near for all nations. The prophecies of the Book of Joel in the Bible were written more than two and a half millennia ago, [...]
If the Messiah came today, would people recognise him? Or do you believe, like I do, that the coming of the Messiah will be the return of Jesus, and it [...]
Revealing the theological insights of a young Jewish virgin, Mary, about being the mother of Messiah. The Jewish mother of Jesus is worshipped all around the world, and there are [...]