'I AM Your Brother!'
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher, Jr, MD After the physician Luke recorded an unusual parable of Yeshua the Messiah in his Gospel in Luke 18:1-5 not recorded [...]
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher, Jr, MD After the physician Luke recorded an unusual parable of Yeshua the Messiah in his Gospel in Luke 18:1-5 not recorded [...]
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher Jr. I remember as a boy learning how to set the dinner table. On holidays, I got to help set the china [...]
By John David Pitcher Jr., MD As far as I can tell, a previously uncovered nugget of gold is within one of Paul’s quotes from Isaiah. You may recall that [...]
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher, Jr., MD "The Childbirth" If you’ve never seen the story of Christmas in Paul’s letter, 1 Timothy, I’d like to show it [...]