They Will Believe the Lie
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel In 2 Thessalonians in the New Testament, the apostle Paul taught important information concerning the future antichrist dictator. Paul wrote that the coming of the [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel In 2 Thessalonians in the New Testament, the apostle Paul taught important information concerning the future antichrist dictator. Paul wrote that the coming of the [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel By the grace and calling of God, for years I’ve referred to myself as an evangelist of the Empty Tomb in Jerusalem. Don’t be surprised [...]
By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel The biblical holidays of the Jewish people have great spiritual significance, and today I want to examine the Feast of Tabernacles happening this week and [...]
Christine Darg By Christine Darg Today’s funeral of Billy Graham was a watershed moment in the history of the Church and the last days. Many of us have [...]
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher, Jr, MD After the physician Luke recorded an unusual parable of Yeshua the Messiah in his Gospel in Luke 18:1-5 not recorded [...]
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher Jr., MD We’ve all heard the saying, “Something was lost in the translation.” Such is the case when a word in Scripture [...]
Dr. Pitcher By John David Pitcher Jr., MD Have you ever known a controversial person? If you know Yeshua the Messiah, you know the most controversial person in [...]
"He is of the Lineage of both King and Priest" By John David Pitcher Jr, MD If the first use of a word in the 70 Rabbis’ translation of the [...]
By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel "For when they shall say, 'Peace and safety;' then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child. . . ." (1 [...]
When John the Baptist exclaimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God!,” he understood, as a son of a priest of the Temple, that there were sacrifices for sin. These animal sacrifices [...]