The Jerusalem Channel’s co-founder Christine Darg has received the 2017 Peace and Reconciliation Prize awarded by the heroic “vicar of Baghdad,” Canon Andrew White, on behalf of his Jerusalem MERIT organization.
In awarding the prize, Canon White said, “The thing I have so in common with Christine is she is the only person– not one of many–but the only person I know who really stands with Jews, Arabs and Christians. She is a real person of reconciliation. It gives me great joy to present this award to this great person of the Holy One.”
For four decades, Christine has carried an intercessory burden for the entire Mideast region according to the prophecy of Isaiah 19: 25, “Egypt My People, Assyria the Work of My Hands, and Israel My Inheritance.” She has been preparing the Lord’s Highway in media, prayer convocations and various regional summits in anticipation of the soon-coming day when Jerusalem will become the worship capital of the world. The Jerusalem Channel is bringing the Light of the Lord to the nations beginning from Jerusalem, according to the Great Commission in Acts 1:8.
The award was presented at the Seven Arches Hotel on the Mt. of Olives at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles and after Christine’s outreach with a group of 40 intercessors to Iraqi Christian refugees in Jordan.
Previous prize winners have included the late Israeli statesman Shimon Peres, former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey, Jerusalem Christ Church rector David Pileggi, and Rabbi Michael Melchior.
In receiving the award, Christine says the prize belongs equally to her husband Peter Darg, who has worked tirelessly throughout the Mideast and around the world as a broadcaster and minister of reconciliation.

2017 Jerusalem MERIT Prize for Peace and Reconciliation presented to Christine Darg by Canon Andrew White’s MERIT (Middle East Reconciliation International) organization.
2 Corinthians 5: 18 declares, “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Messiah and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”
In the forward to her book, “Miracles Among Muslims,” Andrew White wrote, “Christine has followed the Lord’s demand to love all people. She has taken the good news of Jesus to the children of both Ishmael and Isaac. She has been the Lord’s unique channel of grace. . . As one who spends most of the time in the Middle East, I know that a woman is not supposed to be able to do this. But here in this most difficult region of the world, she goes in the strength of Jesus.
“Christine has been uniquely used by God as a channel of His love and wonder to all the peoples of the Mideast East. She loves both Israelites and the Arab people, and sadly most people do not do this. That Jesus has enabled Christine to be in the middle of much of this engagement is also a miracle. The Islamic leadership does not usually deal with women, but when the love of Jesus shines through you, people will be drawn to you.”
Congratulations! You and your husband do wonderful kingdom work.
There is another name who received this prize! her name is Dr. Sarah AK Ahmed and she received it with Rabbi Melchior in January 2016, the got the same prize, same day.
You can see the link bellow,
This is her Instagram page as well:
Her Organization;
Her facebook page:
Thank you! We do not have a complete list of former prize winners.
Congratulations Christine from your friends in the United Kingdom, and personally I thank you for the time with you with Women on the Wall intercessors. Revd. Vivien Firth
Congratulations Christine & Peter! May you be blessed with another 40 years of fruitful ministry in service to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Congratulations Christine! I am so happy for you. Thank you for standing with Jews, Arabs and Christians.