The Angel’s Timetable
End time signs are proliferating so that time as we know it is running out. An angel in the Book of Revelation prophesied that soon there will be no more [...]
End time signs are proliferating so that time as we know it is running out. An angel in the Book of Revelation prophesied that soon there will be no more [...]
Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg wonders why preachers don't teach the 7 beatitudes in the Book of Revelation. Watch and be blessed!
Four-in-ten Americans believe we're living in the 'end times' and doomsday is coming. Yes, it WILL be doomsday for much of the world, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg. But [...]
The quest for eternal life is being pursued through transhumanism-- a blatant rejection of the Gospel’s offer of eternal life of which there is rock solid evidence, says Jerusalem Channel [...]
Christine Darg headlines 8 signs of the Lord’s imminent appearing. The Church Age is ending while Israel is ascending toward her greatest revival, just as the Bible predicts!
Churches should be teaching on Bible prophecy and warning the world against taking the Mark of the Beast technology, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg!
We’re living in a great paradigm shift. The Almighty is changing times and seasons, and believers must discern and understand the times, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg!
The UFO narrative is becoming creepier and creepier, but it’s not surprising-- the Bible says great deception will characterize the end times. Christine Darg says the comforting Good News is [...]
Many believers shun the book of Revelation, but the final book in the Bible is a vital source of statements and beatitudes concerning the End times and the return of [...]
The USA has been undergoing judgment. The handwriting has been on the wall for a long time. But Christine Darg observes that recent repentance events in Washington and the nomination [...]