We’re living in a great paradigm shift. The Almighty is changing times and seasons, and believers must discern and understand the times, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg!
We’re living in a great paradigm shift. The Almighty is changing times and seasons, and believers must discern and understand the times, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg!
I love this teaching!! (God Changes Times snd Seasons) I will be sharing it. Thank you for all you do to encourage, exhort and build up the body of Christ at this very time of the changing of the seasons.
Very encouraged that you are sharing, Doug. Thank you!
Dear Madame Barg I find you extremely interesting and i would like to share whit you about the number 666. Fist i would also like to mention that me and my husband John are christians. This is my burden because after fasting and praying especially my husband John studied the greek language to better understand the book of Revelations and also the book of Daniels – – -Line upon lines and precepts upon precepts. so there it goes: in the Greek Dictionnary the definition of the number 666 means this: 1) To do one’s own will 2) To put oneself on a pedestal and 3) To be like God!!! As you said yourself, times are changing very fast and we can see clearly that what this world wants is Freedom; Freedom of Rights, freedom of religions, freedom of speach, freedom to marry anyone we please even if it is againts God’s will, freedom to divorces, freedom for abortions. You see where i am goingd with this: The world is only interested to do their own will and remember the Lord’s prayer to obey only God and to trust Him with all our hearts, mind and soul and not comform to the things of this world. There can only be one God who died for our sins. Soon and very soon the whole world will know about Jesus-Christ and when He returns it won’t be a democratie or a theology because He will be the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings_ The supreme Leader. Don’t you see that just like it happen in heaven when Lucifer seduced one third of God’s angels… Satan again his deceiving the whole with his lies. The DECEPTION is tremendous, the battle is real and time is short! I pray for wisdom from above and discernent that God removes the veil of deception from our eyes and come to Him with humility, trust and obediance that belongs only to our King Jesus-Christ our only hope for eternal life! Shalom. Yours truly Carole Renzo Stefanyszyn
Thank you for your thoughts! You understand the times! Bless you, Carole
Love your teaching very encouraging thanks for your boldness to teach God’s word and give hope to us in these troubled times may Fod continue to bless your ministry
May God continue to bless your ministry sorry for.the typo
Shalom Christine. Great teaching about the feast,but are you saying now we are allowed to eat pork since the sheet came down? I always understood this to mean that Jews and gentiles are no longer separated?
Also are Christians not supposed to keep the feasts?