Churches should be teaching on Bible prophecy and warning the world against taking the Mark of the Beast technology, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg!
Churches should be teaching on Bible prophecy and warning the world against taking the Mark of the Beast technology, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg!
This is a much needed warning. The great news coming from this warning by our G-d is this:
We can trust Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, to ALL that will believe and trust His finished work
on the cross (See Isaiah chapter 53). The moment one trusts fully, that one is sealed until the day
of redemption, by the Holy Ghost, and will be caught up, out of this world, to meet Christ on the
clouds of heaven, JUST BEFORE the Mark is enforced. If you wish to escape the Anti-Christ and
eternal hell fire, trust Christ today.
So many people willingly complied with the mask mandates. It seems they will comply with anything. It’s unbelievable.
Darlene, your teachings are a blessing, but I must say that I do not hold to the pre-tribulation rapture theory. I have wondered your stance for sometime now regarding the “rapture.” Now, I no longer have to wonder, and I am disappointed. I will never break fellowship with a fellow believer over this matter, but I must say if your theory is wrong, the saints will not be prepared physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. I am a Messianic believer having the great blessing to have been chosen by Yahweh to begin the study of our Hebrew roots 23 years ago. It is the most glorious, exciting journey to learn the relevance of all scripture from Genesis 1- Revelation 22. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem day and night and look to that glorious day when Israel and those of us grafted into the root will be one new man together. Come Yeshua Come!!!
I love to listen to you speaking I really do. I keep thinking about the Jews and the mentioned Fake jews as in the scripture. We know of the people of David God called them “my people israel” Not the lands, We know many of these died in the wilderness, We know there were people among these that were not just from the lands of israel, We know the lands of israel were not named this but were broken down into names of the tribes. Their are the false jews some of which are leaders of israel, are heads of banks, all on one goal to destroy the white, and judean Followers of Christ. They hate us. Maybe you can expand on this in more depth for me please. I see what the people in Israel are doing be it the palestinian terror groups or the jewish terror groups in the guise of leaders. May Heavenly Father bless you guide you keep you healthy x amanda x
Glad you like listening but there is a lot of antisemitism in this comment. Please be careful and keep listening to this channel. The state of Israel today is ethnic Israel and God has made everlasting covenants with ethnic Israel that cannot be broken whether people like it or not..
How many of us are deceived? We say that ‘God is love, and he can never cause us to enter hell’, so we see no problem with the mark of the beast.
Because God is love, He expects us to obey His Word. And his word tells us not to accept the mark of the beast.
Another huge deception. Most Christians who liove
Israel and the Jewish people DO NOT embrace that
The gospel is first for the Jews. And God’s purpose in bringing salvation to the gentiles is to make Israel jealous. All hell is against the salvation of Israel. Sadly far too many Christians are influenced by this deceptive dark spirit.
Well done Christine, and especially timely in view of the suddenly-revealed rush to create the first world-scope bureaucracy with real teeth: the WHO. The WHO has been around for decades, but the Biden Administration — representing virtually every major global health care player which attended their little reported but momentous White House summit on May 12, 2022 — is over this next week setting up a regulatory regime which would erase national sovereignty. And part of that is the proposed WHO charter changes make the scope of “health” threats so wide as to include regulating “misinformation,” and climate change. In other words, a global regulatory body with enforcement powers the UN could only dream of. Not surprisingly, Pre-Trib, Post-Trib, Pre-Wrath, etc. are always going to cause debate among Christians, but this startling move is a clear sign that the time to witness may be short.
Thank you Christine. You always s
bring he truth with your teaching.May the Lord continue to bless the Jerusalem Channel.