Today is Good Friday, or Great Friday, and we want to remember the deep prophetic significance of the last 7 Sayings of Jesus from the Cross–significance that stretches to our generation!
Today is Good Friday, or Great Friday, and we want to remember the deep prophetic significance of the last 7 Sayings of Jesus from the Cross–significance that stretches to our generation!
Such a beautiful summary of such a powerful and great day. Shalom from Australia!All glory to God on high!!!
That was a brilliant teaching Christine. I loved it, thank you.
david b here in His glory in all His words and the last ones….payers deep from and for austria here too
I really enjoy her program Chrintine you are super great
I am not posting this to be contentious, I truly just do not see a Pre-Tribulation Rapture taught in Scripture. When questioning what I had been taught about a Pre-Trib Rapture, I sought through my own study to understand this further and discovered that all the Scriptures that talk about the “catching away/rapture” of the Saints painted a different scenario in Scripture. First I noted Jesus’ teaching when answering “what would be the signs of your return” In Matthew 24: 1-51. Jesus gives a synopsis of what will take place prior to His coming and in verses 3-51 He warns His saints to be ready for they know not when HE will appear, He also states that those who ENDURE to the END shall be saved, Jesus tells us what we will see happening in the world. My question was….Why would Jesus be warning the Saints if they are whisked away up into heaven before all this happens? Then the Holy Spirit led me through the study to Revelations and helped me to see what John says in Revelations about those who DO NOT TAKE the MARK of the BEAST…they are partakers in the 1st RESURRECTION. That made me ask….If there is only ONE 1st Resurrection, which is what the Scriptures teach, then where does this “secret Rapture” come in? I could find NO evidence in the Word of God for a “secret rapture” except Jesus warning His Saints in Matthew 24 to be ready for they know not the hour He will return, to be ready. Jesus also warned the Saints that those who ENDURE to the END will be saved, because His Warning was for the END DAYS Saints, to persevere through all the troubling times HE revealed would take place and the time of the anti-christ. This is also why the Scriptures say “those who love their lives will lose them and those who lose their lives will gain them” This is referring to the time of the anti-christ and false prophet when they force the world to take the Mark of the Beast. The Saints that refuse and stand up for the name of Jesus will LOSE their lives, but will gain Eternal Life. Those who seek to save their earthly lives will lose them for all eternity.
The Holy Spirit kept leading me to understanding as I continued to study and I came to understand according to scripture that any Saint alive at the time of the Anti-christ will see him rise and most of the Saints will be MARTYRD for the name of JESUS after the Anti-christ goes after the Jews, he will turn with a vengeance and go after the Saints. But, God protects the remnant Israel being saved by hiding them away from the anti-christ in a desert place prepared for them by God, until the END of the second 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation period, when the anti-christ will seek to make all the world bow down and worship him as god. It is at the END of this latter 3 1/2 years that JESUS will return, after gathering all who were died proclaiming His name are gathered together to come back to earth with them and then at this time, the sounding of the Last Trumpet/7th Trumpet/Loud Trumpet that Jesus announces HIS return and every eye on earth will see His return with All his Angels and All His Saints for it is at this Trumpet sound that Jesus also catches up/Raptures those still alive, a remnant, after the bodies of those already with Him are resurrected. This is the FIRST RESURRECTION that Jesus proclaimed the second Death will have no power over them. The second death is after the 2nd resurrection of the damned, those who died denying Jesus as Lord and Savior. Here what Matthew 24 says….
29 “Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then tall the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send out his angels with a LOUD TRUMPET call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
(HE is gathering all who died and those who were martyrd during the Tribulation)
The Remnant still alive at this time will be “caught up/Raptured” to meet HIM returning in the air. How else can anyone interpret these scriptures. I just don’t get it! For HE says HE gathers together those in Him with a LOUD Trumpet Blast/Last Trumpet/7th Trumpet and in Revelations it reveals this is when the END occurs, the catching up of the remaining Saints still alive and God pouring out His Wrath on the rest of the unrepentant world, all at the sounding of the Last Trumpet/7th Trumpet. This is when I believe we will be with Jesus in heaven at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb while the unrepentant world is getting God’s Wrath poured out on them. The time of the 3 1/2 years of Tribulations is Satan’s wrath against mankind.
If anyone can show me in scripture a Pre-Tribulation “secret” Rapture, please forward your comments to me
Study again Victoria!!!
kol tuv etc …… MARANATHA, Titus 2:13
Always a difference in Latter & last days IG TIME!!!