Bible prophecies are being fulfilled at excavations, and “living exhibits” at Tel Aviv airport! Archeology confirms the Bible as well as the “lost” tribes being “unearthed.” Christine Darg reviews the latest top 10 archeological discoveries confirming the validity of the Bible and interviews Rabbi Michael Freund about the homecoming of “lost” tribes who have been found!
As you say here, you are trying to educate the church so we won’t miss these extraordinary times we are all so privileged to be living in! What wonderful news of museum quality archaeological finds in Israel, and the finds of the lost tribes coming home to Israel… extraordinary prophetic news being filled before our eyes. Prayers that eyes be opened to see! Thank you so much for continually educating us to know what is happening, as the black out of any GOOD NEWS is attempted around the world.
And thank you, dear Susan, for your many encouragements!
Some of us can give air miles through shopping cards. Collectively can help the organization. I know that it’s viable in North America, don’t know about other palaces.
Once again and very big thankyou for such excellent teaching. Enjoyed the Rabbi’s teaching – so uplifting. Bless you Tony and Shiela Stone