war in Israel

‘And This Is the Blessing’

[Photo courtesy of Alex Kolomoisky] Screenshot By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel The Jewish people vow, “We Will Dance Again.” And they will never stop learning. In fact, believers [...]

The Extolling of Evil

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel The world is so mixed up concerning good and evil that a moment of silence was held at the UN Security Council in honor of [...]

PUSH: Pray Until Something Happens for Passover!

Art courtesy of Susan Bowles By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Israel’s survival is an ongoing miracle, and every intercessor should know their worth in this battle! When Iran recently dared [...]

Jeremiah’s Conundrum

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel As the war against Israel continues to wage not only regionally but globally, conditions are forming that portend Jeremiah 30: 7, the time of Jacob’s [...]

Israel Under Fire on 73rd Anniversary

By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel [14 May 2021] Today, 73 Years Ago, David Ben Gurion declared Israel's Independence, and the following day was declared by the Arabs as the Nakba (Day [...]

By |2021-05-14T18:48:40+00:00May 13th, 2021|Categories: Articles, Articles|News|Tags: , , |2 Comments
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