By Christine Darg
Wherever I preach these days, the Holy Spirit says to the churches that we’re in a peculiar and extended period of grace; the Church Age is rapidly coming to an end.
Israel is arising and soon the Messianic Kingdom will be restored to Israel by Yeshua. The Bride of Messiah is also being prepared for the soon-coming King.
Whatever we’re going to accomplish for the kingdom of God in the closing hours of the times of the Gentiles, we need to do urgently in 2016 with all of our might. We must reap the final Harvest of souls while also fighting anti-Semitism and guarding God’s holy purposes in Israel.
Whenever Jesus performed a messianic miracle, He was making a direct claim to be the Messiah, and the people knew it.
The Lord’s messianic miracles caused the common people to believe in him and to acclaim him, and the religious hierachy were forced to investigate. The miracles on the one hand triggered a great popular response, but the messianic miracles also caused the hearts of many religious leaders to be revealed.
Today, I encourage you not to disregard the awesome messianic miracles of Jesus! The New Testament recorded his miracles for the purpose that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God; and that believing, you may have life in His name!
Acts 2: 22, “Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.”
Jesus said, “The works that I do in my Father’s name, these testify about me.” Jesus explained that healing the sick, dispossessing devils, cleansing lepers, giving sight to the blind, causing the deaf to hear, the mute to speak, the lame to walk, even raising the dead to life—these all were messianic miracles that plainly demonstrated who he was.
Never in the history of mankind had there ever been a miracle worker to compare with Jesus. He was Emmanuel, God with us.
Meanwhile, understand a great truth that the New Testament church was a mystery hidden in God’s plans. Due to the rejection of the Messiah on his first visitation to Israel, the nation of Israel was put on hold for two thousand years and the Jewish people were scattered to the nations until the time of the Lord’s Second Coming, which will happen soon. The Jewish people are returning to their own land at this present time.
The church, a mystical body containing believers from every nation, was born in the midst of signs, wonders, and ongoing messianic miracles. The dead were raised. Even the shadow of Peter healed the sick. The fear of God fell upon the people in Jerusalem when they witnessed the acts of the apostles.
The New Testament church was unafraid of Satan, undaunted by persecution. Now we’re in the last days, to be sure, and we’re witnessing the prophesied apostasy, a great falling away, a lukewarm institutional church. Because sin abounds, the love of many is growing cold. These are perilous times; we must press into God to reap a great End-time harvest and the ingathering of souls from every nation before the Messiah returns to save regathered Israel.
Must we merely endure the lukewarmness and unbelief? Or can we enjoy one last powerful outpouring of the Spirit, as great as the days of the early church? Yes! We have Scriptural authority to believe for a great end-time revival.
The spirit of revival permeates our meetings. We can lay hold of revival, because God HAS promised end-time revival! The sure promise of God is found in the Book of Joel. The prophet Joel foresaw a worldwide revival with the Holy Spirit poured out on all nations. That revival began on the Day of Pentecost and continues to this very hour until Jesus comes. But we have to believe and maintain a revival atmosphere; we must go forth into the harvest fields and win many souls!
In Exploits Ministry we have a goal to preach the Gospel in many nations, especially in Asia, and we must do this work quickly because the times of the Gentiles are coming to a close. Because of the rebirth of the nation of Israel, we’re living on borrowed time concerning the age of the Gentiles. Soon the Church Age will be finished, and Jesus will return to claim his glorious bride.
In the meantime, we have a million souls campaign; we’re believing God to win at least a million souls to the Lord in the time remaining to preach to the nations before the Second Coming. We need your prayers and support to fulfill the mandate of Daniel 11:32, “Those who know God will be strong and do exploits.”
We’re seeking sold-out intercessors and watchmen on the walls. If that’s you, stay in touch via the social media. We invite you to visit Israel with us for our many prayer convocations in the Holy Land. We also invite you to visit our website at where you can click online to receive a copy of our free color magazine electronically or by mail. Also at our website you can read the latest prophecy and prayer alerts from Israel.
We ask for your faithful support because you’ll always find me contending for the faith and praying earnestly for the peace of Jerusalem! Shalom!
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