Satan’s Assault on Leadership
High profile leaders are falling into deadly sins and many of God’s servants meet with physical attacks, premature death or even fatal accidents. The powers of darkness are raging against [...]
High profile leaders are falling into deadly sins and many of God’s servants meet with physical attacks, premature death or even fatal accidents. The powers of darkness are raging against [...]
Sound an alarm of imminent danger to call us back to God! Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg says we must lift our voices like a trumpet to pray against spiritual [...] Christine Darg discusses prophetic trends and understanding the times biblically. There's a great war on truth. From the very beginning Satan undermined God’s truth by asking a crafty question in [...]
As we watch Bible prophecies and perilous times unfold, Isaiah 59:19 declares the Ruach Elohim will raise a standard for those who believe God for deliverance! Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine [...]
In perilous times, God raises up entire companies of intercessors to expand the Gospel. In Jerusalem there are many houses of prayer and ultimately Isaiah 56: 7 will come to [...]
Christine Darg describes how spiritual warfare is increasing due to the nature of the End Times. A faithful minister of the Gospel recently admonished us to pray more often in the [...]
A visit to Akko, Israel, and discussing if the Apostle Paul should have gone up to Jerusalem despite prophetic warnings. Christine Darg examines Holy Spirit guidance for mature believers.
The Jerusalem Channel's Christine Darg describes how the work of intercession in Jerusalem is moving into a new level of prayer warfare! This teaching will be a confirmation to the [...]
Satan's master strategy is to destroy our will to wage spiritual warfare. But as Christine Darg points out, spiritual warfare is a lifetime campaign!
Christine Darg discusses how we should deal with Satan's accusations and lies.