Christine Darg discusses prophetic trends and understanding the times biblically. There’s a great war on truth. From the very beginning Satan undermined God’s truth by asking a crafty question in Genesis 3: 1, “Did God really say?” The question is being constantly rephrased — did God really say marriage is between a man and a woman? All of God’s laws to protect human beings are being undermined and questioned. And in the end, there will be only two kinds of people: lovers of truth and lovers of the lie.
Thank you so much for your site. You are teaching me just about everything I’ve wanted to know and learn. Keep explaining Revelations please. I’m 69 years old and been going to church all of my life. And in all of that time I have only heard 1 preacher preach on the book of Revelations. I’ve always wanted to understand as much of it as I possibly could and thanks to the Lord I found your site. You are helping me to finally be able to put things together where even I am able to understand the prophesies I’ve always longed to know. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and thoughts with us. God bless you. Marlene