In her weekly update, Christine Darg says it’s amazing that the Bible has devoted two whole chapters to describe in detail an upcoming war in the Middle East that will involve a massive invasion of Israel from the north. And yet nobody in the churches except a handful of eschatologists talks about it, despite the fact that conditions are now almost certainly in place for the prophetic war of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. It’s all gearing up to a time when God will move in a miraculous way to defend the state of Israel! As a timely confirmation, as Christine was producing this program, Pastor Derek Walker of the Oxford Bible Church sent her a copy of his updated and revised book, “The Imminent Invasion of Israel.”
Thank you for this very important message of the hour. Learned a lot and am more informed of my own preparation for the rapture and task as watchman on the wall.
Thiewanks Christine. Expanded my view.
This day is near!!!
Thanks for reminding us once again the days we are know living in.Also after watching a documentary, of the birth of Israel today, on Revelation Channel, gave me a deeper understanding of the region
Russia had now a foot at Mediterranean backing Syria and Iran, PA, Hezbollah and Hamas backed by them will try to destroy Israel, but they didn’t know they’re fighting the God of Abraham and eventually they will be defeated.
Shalom Christine, watching you from Austin Texas Hill Country. It’s great to see your broadcasts…is there possibly a Psalm 83 war that
1. Expands Israel’s borders before the Ezekiel 38-39 war and brings relative peace, prosperity & wealth.
2. Creates the spoils & settings for the Russian led / Islamic coalition to attack Israel and is thwarted by God.
3. The Ez. 38-39 war ushers in the final 7 year peace treaty and circumstances for the rise of the Anti-Christ & One world Government / NWO. before Messiah’s return