In the End Times, God has a prophetic program of shock and awe involving spectacular displays of his power and judgments! Even the days of Jesus’s first coming were events of shock and awe, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg.
In the End Times, God has a prophetic program of shock and awe involving spectacular displays of his power and judgments! Even the days of Jesus’s first coming were events of shock and awe, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg.
Thank you Christine! I was talking to one of my sons the other day and we agreed about the miracle that all these thousands of years later since the Word was written, we in this generation are believing it all unwaiveringly, and indeed we are the readers who “understand ” through the Holy Spirit. Amazing!
(I recently got your book Appointment in Petra, I have read it twice!)
Amen come Lord Jesus!
Love Sara
Sara! Lovely to hear from you. I’m so glad you got the book and enjoyed it. Also that your sons are walking in the way. I’m sure your parents, of blessed memory, prayed. Did you receive the flowers? Loving shalom, cd
Thank you beloved Christine for a great, encouraging word. We are being well feed by you and others during the months of Lockdown. God is still God and His word is a sure rock in times of need. We love you and pray for you. Looking to be able to meet again. Blessings! Tony and Shiela Stone.
Great to see this encouragement. So much love to you both!