In this teaching for the ICEJ, Christine Darg suggests prayer against spiritual blindness to the Gospel’s message. Pray also for Israel’s prophetic “exceedingly great army” to be supernaturally stretched and effective living up to its name but acknowledging the Lord of Hosts, Yehovah the God of army angels.Thirdly as the world grows darker and confusion abounds, pray always to be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks the reason for the hope we have in Messiah Jesus.
Praying for Israel(Psalm 122:6, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Genesis 12:3, Psalm 121:1-8, & 1 Samuel 7:14) in Jesus name Amen
I hadn’t heard of Peters injury.
Are you moving from Israel to the USA?
Great job on clearly stating your reminder…we are looking forward to a new world and get busy sharing the Gospel.
Thank you Christine for the prayer points. Sadly my Church does not preach end times. Therefore I am thankful that God has led me to your channel. I will also be praying for you and Peter and Israel.
Thank you. The teaching is (as ever) first class and hugely helpful.
I really appreciate your excellent bulletins.
Dear Christine,
The enemy tried to shut you up but The Holy Spirit is still speaking out for God at the most important of times.
We must keep our eyes looking up coz Jesus is coming back soon!