By  Christine Darg

“. . . I will come by you into Spain. And I am sure that, when I come to you, I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Messiah.” –Romans 15: 28- 29
Paul had intensely longed to see Rome, not just to evangelize there, but so that Rome could be a base for Gospel excursions further afield, namely Spain. As one Bible commentator has said,
“to this Christian warrior, as to Alexander of Macedon, there could be no rest as long as there were kingdoms, if not conquered, at least unassailed. Oh for more of this . . . holy ambition!”
In all of his travels, Paul patiently submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit, but he had set his sights as far afield as possible for the Gospel; and Spain was in his spiritual crosshairs.
In expanding Britain’s Revelation TV to Spain a number of years ago, we saw visionary Howard Conder’s
 plan to invade Spain as the Spirit of God helping to fulfill the longings of the Apostle Paul to take the Gospel to this sunny land mentioned in the Bible but which had never seen the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Messiah. . . until now.
After the Feast of Tabernacles in Israel, we stopped off in Spain to be a part of a special dedication ceremony of Revelation TV’s new International Media Centre in Mijas de Cala, Andalucia. We presented a menorah from Jerusalem in memory of the desire of Paul to evangelise in Spain.
This weekend is like stage 2 in the process of bringing to fruition by the grace of God Revelation TV’s new Centre. Stage one was the laying of the foundations of the centre; Scriptures were placed into the foundations–verses sent in by faithful viewers.
Stage three will be in about a year’s time, God willing, when the official opening takes place, and the new facility will be used on a daily basis.
“This weekend is between those two events, as we declare to the Lord that this is His building, and we want it to be used for His glory and purpose,” said CEO Gordon Pettie.
“The new Media Centre comes at a time when exciting new technology is expanding the Gospel message around the world,” said Peter Darg, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. “This center will have the latest tools to spread the Good News of Jesus through the Internet, and satellite television.”
Please join us in prayer for this dedication, and if you are not with us in person, then watch the dedication live on Revelation TV, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 10.30 am with repeats each evening.
As for Paul, whatever happened to his Gospel ambitions for Spain? We may prayerfully make our plans, but the Lord has the last word! Imprisonment and shipwreck were the apostle’s destiny.  Nevertheless, “The will of the Lord be done!” One thing Paul could say with confidence, knowing the Lord’s ways, that IF he arrived in Spain, he would bring the fullness of a blessing. How can a beliver make such a seemingly daring claim? We can make such a claim, not because of our own talents, but because of the Holy Spirit who animates us according to the Lord’s power!
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” -Acts 1: 8