- Praise: One of God’s most loving proclamations is found in this Shabbat’s prophetic portion:
I have loved you with an eternal love: therefore with covenant-love I have drawn you.Jer. 31:3b
- What an amazing truth that “eternal” love has neither end – nor beginning (Eph. 1:4-5)!
- How blessed we are that You God loved us first – and then by grace we responded (1 John 4:19).
- Thank You for drawing Israel and believers to Yourself through Your Son (John 5:26; 6:44; 17:1).
- You draw, and then we come. Truly a work of grace totally based on who You are (Jer. 31:18)!
- We rejoice and bless You for the gift of repentance that You have given us – the ability to turn away from our sins and turn back unto You (Psa. 80:3, 7, 19).
- We trust in Your sovereignty, knowing that nothing takes You by surprise (Psa. 103:19).
- Thank You for revealing to us that our prayers are Your delight (Prov. 15:8b).
- Covid-19 & society: Praying into this topic reminds us of Yeshua’s exhortation that we should always pray and not faint (Luke 18:1). While we were hoping for a simple solution and a clear plan that all Israelis would agree to, it looks like there is more confusion, grief and anger as starting this afternoon, Israel enters into a three-week lockdown. Yet our responsibility is to pray what we perceive is in line with His will and let the results rest in His almighty hands.
- You knew all about this from the foundations of the world, so please lead us in prayer (Prov. 19:21).
- Whatever happens, we desire for You alone to be glorified (Isa. 48:11; Dan. 9:19).
- As we have consistently prayed for Your plan to be manifested, we ask that You would be moving, molding this current lockdown plan into the answer to our prayers (Psa. 50:15).
- In the latest guidelines, strengthen the good and eliminate all that is not of You (Prov. 16:2).
- Lord, if the statistics and numbers of the dead and the sick from Covid-19 are being misunderstood – or being used to manipulate the people – please deal with this error or this threat (Num. 23:23).
- Do not allow a rebellious spirit to come upon Your people (Psa. 66:7; 68:18).
- Protect this nation from anarchy and lawlessness (2 Tim. 3:1).
- Guard over Your nation from any further division because of these guidelines (Ezek. 39:25).
- Wake up the ultra-Orthodox and the Israeli Arab leaders to clearly warn their people of the dangers of disregarding the government guidelines (Rom. 13:1).
- At this time raise up a new generation of leaders for both these groups of Israelis, new leaders who will desire to lead their people to become a more integral part of Israeli society.
- Please raise up the new leadership from those in both the ultra-Orthodox and Israeli Arabs who have volunteered to serve in the IDF (2 Sam. 23:8-39).
- Make the believing community a light to the rest of the nation during the Covid-19 war (Tit. 3:1).
- Remind believers how to talk about leaders whom You have placed over this nation (Ex. 22:28).
- Unless it is absolutely against You Word, let the Body set a holy example of obedience to Your current governing authorities (Acts 4:19-20; 1 Pet. 2:13-15 [Note: Peter speaks in both verses!]).
- Provide all the comfort and whatever else Israeli families need at this time (Isa. 40:1-2; 51:3).
- Lighten the burden for the hospitals and medical personnel in every way possible (Jer. 32:27).
- Give Israelis guidelines that are fair and consistent. If large prayer gatherings and weddings are not allowed, then large demonstrations for whatever cause also should not be allowed (Isa. 32:1b).
- Give wisdom and patience to all the security forces that will be policing the lockdown (Psa. 37:8).
- Especially be with the young IDF soldiers who will be assisting the police (Luke 21:19).
- May the security forces have courage and insight in dealing with any violent backlash (Eccl. 8:11).
- Peace & extension of sovereignty: Part of the agreement with both the UAE and Bahrain is an Israeli commitment to restrain extending its sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley for a period of time. Yet a commitment to a Palestinian State or to halt settlement growth is not in the agreements. We rejoice over these peace treaties with Arab nations, and note how they drive the Palestinians and Iran, Turkey and Hizbullah to great depths of fury. This might reveal that Satan is furious about these treaties as well. Also, this kills the argument that unless there is peace between Israel and the Palestinians there cannot be peace between Israel and other Arab states. Still, as this week’s prophetic portion declares, God has brought us back to possess all the land.
You shall yet plant vines on the mountains of Samaria: the planters shall plant, and shall eat them as common things.
(Jer. 31:5) Thank You that this is literally happening in Samaria today.- While we praise You for Israel’s hand of peace being extending to these Gulf Arab States, and for it being reciprocated, we ask that Israelis will not allow any “peace” to deceive them (1 Chr. 12:17).
- Stop Israel from doing anything which would bring Your judgment (Lev. 25:23; Prov. 22:28).
- Lord, be merciful with this pre-believing nation as it strives for peace with its neighbors (Matt. 5:9).
- Do not allow PM Bibi Netanyahu’s pride to place Israel in a dangerous situation (Prov. 16:18).
- The only way that Bahrain could agree to this is with Saudi Arabia’s blessings, therefore we thank You for the current “social-distancing” normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
- Protect the UAE and Bahrain from all terrorist and/or Iranian backed attacks (Num. 24:9b).
- Thank You for the Arab League’s open rebuke of the Palestinian Authority (Psa. 35:26; 109:29).
- Continue to divide the Muslim world and bring down the principality of Islam (Matt. 12:25).
- Continue to harden the Palestinian leaders’ hearts so that there will be no chance for any type of a Palestinian State to be created on Your land (Job 8:22; Psa. 109:29).
- Sovereignly aid the settlements in Judea and Samaria to grow and prosper (Amos 9:13-15).
- We ask for the plans to extend sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley to happen in Your perfect timing and that that timing would be sooner than seems possible at this time (Jer. 32:17).
- Security – internal: We expected an increase in Palestinian violence because of the UAE and Bahrain treaties, and Hamas in Gaza did not disappoint! There was a rocket barrage against the south of Israel as the peace treaties were being signed in Washington. The Palestinian Authority also called for violence and extended its hand to join Hamas in destroying Israel. Many innocent Jews and Arabs will get hurt and killed if Palestinians listen to their wicked leaders to start another intifada.
- Lord, we remind You of Your Word:
YHWH your God will put all these curses on your enemies – on them that hate you, and persecute you.
(Deut. 30:7) - We also remind You of Your promised protection on Israel at the time of its regathering (Jer. 31:10).
- Let the IDF’s response to these attacks put the fear of Israel’s God on its enemies (Deut. 2:25).
- If Israel needs to start targeting terrorists instead of just destroying their bases and equipment, please release the IDF to do just that (Joel 3:16).
- Dry up all the funds of Hamas from Qatar and the PA funds from the EU and UN (Isa. 14:29-32).
- Encourage the common Palestinians rise up against their evil leaders.
- Anoint believing Palestinians to be a source of truth and light today (Phil. 2:15).
- Since so many Palestinians have been brainwashed to hate the Jews, we ask that in Your mercy You would “wash the brains” of many of them in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 1:5).
- Have mercy on Israel’s enemies and fill them with shame so that they seek Your name (Psa. 83:16).
- Shield Israeli Arabs from being infected by the spirit of Jew-hatred and violence that plagues many Palestinians – especially the PA leaders (Ezek. 25:15; 35:5).
- Send forth angelic protection over this nation to guard Your people during the holidays (Ex. 14:19).
- Especially guard over those Israelis settling in Judea and Samaria (Ezek. 36:4-8).
- Lord, we remind You of Your Word:
- Security – external: As mentioned, Iran and Turkey are not pleased with the peace treaties signed by Israel with the UAE and Bahrain. In fact, most commentators view the rocket fire from Gaza during the signing ceremony as Iran-directed.
- Watch over this word for this season:
And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, YHWH will be magnified from [+ on] the border of Israel.
(Mal. 1:5) - Empower the soldiers guarding all Israel’s borders to be very alert – whether on the land, on the sea or in the air (Ezek. 37:10).
- When it is time for You to set Israel as bait in Your trap against anti-God nations (Mic. 4:11-13), please let us know so that we can pray in line with Your will and not against it (Amos 3:7).
- Use Israel as Your battle-axe and weapon of war against Your enemies on earth (Jer. 51:20-23).
- Thank You for Israel’s recent successful attacks against Iranian weapons and personnel inside Syria.
- Give divine wisdom to the IDF as it remains on high alert against the threats from Hizbullah coming out of Lebanon or Syria (2 Kin. 6:8-12).
- Thank You that what You showed Elisha’s servant is still as real today as back then.
Elisha prayed, ‘YHWH, open his eyes that he may see’. And YHWH opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
(2 Kin. 6:17) - Uncover any plots Hamas and Hizbullah planned when their leaders met in Lebanon (Job 12:22),
- Continue to allow the Lebanese to be furious that terrorists are once again, like the PLO did in the 1980s, using their land to threaten Israel (Obad. 1:10-11).
- Please guard all Israel’s undercover agents wherever they may be (Deut. 33:29; Psa. 119:114).
- Lord, provide Israel all the intelligence it needs to know what Turkey is planning.
- Harden Israel’s cyber-warfare defenses (Psa. 89:18; 94:22).
- Keep Israel on the cutting edge in this area of cyber-warfare (Eccl. 7:12).
- Thank You for Israel’s advanced drone program. Anoint the soldiers who guide them (Isa. 31:5).
- Hold America, both president and congress, to its commitment to maintain Israel qualitative military edge [QME], especially as Trump is willing to sell advanced military armaments to Arab States.
- Thank You for the weapons Israel does have – but we proclaim You are Israel’s QME (Psa. 20:6-9).
- Watch over this word for this season:
- Church, aliyah & salvation: With the Lord’s fall feasts beginning this evening, it is a very appropriate time to pray for the salvation of the Jewish people. As seen in Shabbat’s prophetic portion, Christians are called to have a role in this whole process, for in response to their prayer for Israel’s salvation, God brings His people home. This is because when Israel receives Yeshua as their King and Messiah, it will happen in the land (Ezek. 36:23-28; Zech. 12:2-10). And all of that will result in our God being glorified through our Savior, the Lord Yeshua! Amen and amen!
For there shall be a day, that the watchmen [notzrim – the Modern Hebrew word for Christians! While it did not mean “Christian” in Jeremiah’s day, yet as this is specifically an end time prophecy (see 30:24b), the Spirit directed the prophet to use notzrim instead of the more common word for watchmen in the Tanach – shomrim!] on mount Ephraim shall cry, ‘Arise, and let us go up to Zion, to YHWH our God’. For thus says YHWH, [to these notzrim] ‘Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations: publish, praise, and say, “YHWH, save Your people, the remnant of Israel”‘.Jer. 31:6-7
- We thank and bless You for all the believers who have been praying consistently for many decades for Israel’s salvation (Rom. 12:12; Eph. 6:18; Col. 4:2; 1 Thess. 5:17).
- Lord, show more of the Church its responsibility to pray for Israel and its salvation (Rom. 10:1).
- Let more believers understand the need to pray for Israel’s security because for all Israel to be saved, they need to be alive! (Zech. 12:2-10)
- We are so grateful for that part of the Body of Messiah who sees the biblical imperative for Israel’s restoration as preparation for the return of Israel’s King Messiah (Zech. 14:3-4; Matt. 23:39).
- Drive out from Your Body all false teachings about Israel and the Jews (Rom. 11:11-18).
- Use Your Word as a fire and a hammer to wake up any Christians who still resist Your prophetic will for Israel today (Jer. 23:29).
- Thank You that we are in the days when You are answering our cry for Israel’s salvation by bringing Your people home (Jer. 31:8-9). More Lord!
There is hope in your end…that Your children shall come again to their own border.Jer. 31:17
- Remove all stones of stumbling from Your people’s path to return, especially in Israel (Isa. 62:10).
- Thank You for all the Jews who have, and still are, coming home even with Covid-19 restrictions.
- [Covid-19 has stopped tens of thousands of Christians from coming up to Jerusalem to be with the Jews and to love on them. Yet Joseph, a type of Yeshua, before revealing himself to his brothers, first told all the gentiles [Egyptians] to leave and then, when alone with his Jewish brothers he told them who he was.] Yeshua, this would be a wonderful time for You to do the same (Gen. 45:1-5)!
- We know that Your Spirit is never in lockdown. Send Him forth and save multitudes (2 Thess. 2:13).
- As Jews declare God is Creator and King on Rosh Hashanah, Lord Yeshua show them that You are the One by whom Your Father created and that You are the King of Kings (John 1:1-3; Rev. 19:16).
- Give the Jewish people at this time a holy dissatisfaction with many of the rabbinic religious rituals – and then give them a deep desire to enter into a real relationship with You (Psa. 57:7; 84:2).
Rosh Hashanah sameach – New Year’s joy and may our Creator King bless you out of Zion
The IFI team
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