- Praise: As this world is heading into greater and grosser darkness, the opening verse of this Shabbat’s prophetic portion speaks to both Israel and the true Church:
Arise, shine; for Your light is come, and the glory of YHWH is risen upon you.Isa. 60:1
- Yeshua, we praise You for being our light (John 8:12).
- Thank You for Your Word which guides us to live in a way that is pleasing to You (Prov. 6:23).
- Praise You for using Israel, and Your Body, as Your voice in these very dark days (Isa. 60:2a).
- Lord, let Your glory be seen on Israel and on Your Body at this chaotic time (Isaiah 60:2b).
- Praise You for being so faithful to Your Word and so capable to see it come to pass (Jer. 1:12).
- We look forward to the complete fulfillment of this incredible prophetic promise:
Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders, but you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.
(Isa. 60:18) - We bless You for reminding us to rejoice in all the good You give to us (Deut. 26:11).
- As we pray, at times not even sure how to pray, we are so grateful that You reign (Psa. 99:1; 103: 19; Isa. 52:7).
- Israel-United Arab Emirates: This week an El Al plane flew from Israel, over Saudi Arabia, and landed in Abu Dhabi. It carried an Israeli and US delegation which met the Emirate delegation and started working out details of the new relationship between Israel and the UAE.
- Lord, thank You that by the UAE overturning their previous boycott of Israel that was in place since 1973, it was a nail in the coffin of the whole BDS movement (Psa. 68:1).
- Praise You for driving another nail in as Saudi Arabia is permitting Israel to fly over its airspace.
- We ask that the spirit of genuine cooperation between these nations to be guarded (Gen. 26:26-31).
- Show Israel where it can compromise in negotiations and when it needs to just say no (Prov. 16:1)!
- Protect Israel from being deceived in anyway during these talks (Num. 23:23).
- Remind all Israelis involved that security must be their primary concern (Rom. 13:1-4).
- Forbid anything from being agreed upon that would set a bad precedent for any future negotiations with other Arab nations.
- Block all curses coming against this treaty from Iran, Turkey and the Palestinians (Prov. 26:2).
- Use the anti-UAE rage of the Palestinians to show UAE leaders – and all other Arabs – that backing a Palestinian State is a no-win situation for them – as well as bad for Israel (2 Chr. 19:2).
- Overrule in all military weapons sales to the ME so that Israel maintains its qualitative military edge.
- While not expecting everything to go smoothly – we ask for Your blessings on the UAE, the greatest of which would be salvation to many of the Muslims, Hindus and Jews who live there (Gen 12:3a).
- May all Christians in the UAE perceive Israel’s restoration as tied in with Your glory (Psa. 115:1-3).
- Government: This unity government at this time appears to be incapable of working together to accomplish anything of worth for the nation. This is one of the reasons why PM Bibi Netanyahu did not share the coming together of the UAE normalization deal until after the fact.
- God, lead us as to how to pray for this very dysfunctional unity government (1 Tim. 2:1-4).
- Lord, You brought us back for Your holy name’s sake. Please guide these politicians (Ezek. 36:32).
- Encourage all the righteous men and women in it and remove all other.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.
(Prov. 29:2) - Move on PM Bibi Netanyahu that he stirs himself up to do what this nation needs at this time and leaves his legal battles in Your hands (Psa. 35:1-3).
- Remove all satanic lies and accusations from Netanyahu’s mind and heart (Psa. 63:11; Prov. 29:12).
- Show him the need to delegate to people who are trustworthy (Ex. 18:21-23).
- Abba, there is still no budget and it looks hopeless that there will be one before Israel will need to go to new elections. Is that where You are leading this nation (Amos 3:7)?
- If Finance Minister Yisrael Katz is not the man for that job, remove him quickly (Psa. 109:8).
- Prepare the next generation of Israeli political leaders and show us who to pray for (Isa. 61:4).
- Supernaturally sustain and encourage the Israeli people at this time (Psa. 80:14; Mic. 7:7).
- At the same time, let Israelis look to You as they perceive how vain is the help of man (Psa. 60:11).
- Society & Covid-19: Israel is using a traffic light grading system to determine which cities have very little spread of coronavirus [green] from which cities/towns are losing the battle or not even trying to contain it [red]. A large majority of the red cities/towns are Arab, with the ultra-Orthodox places coming in a distant but distinct second. Both Islam and Rabbinic Judaism tend to be fatalistic – that is whatever happens is God’s doing – which while biblical in one sense, yet fatalism often blinds them to take responsibility for their own actions, which is also laid out in Scripture (Deut. 30:19; Isa. 66:4). Yet only salvation will cure this blindness.
- May the fear of God fall on all cities with very high Covid-19 percentages (Psa. 64:9: Eccl. 3:14).
- Protect Prof. Gamzu, the “corona-czar” from sinking in Israel’s political swamp (Isa. 43:1-2).
- Expose all false manipulation of coronavirus statistics and let only the truth guide him and Israel’s leaders.
Send out Your light and truth: let them lead me…
(Psa. 43:3a) - For Your holy name’s sake – and in Your mercy – guide Israel to defeat this virus (Psa. 115:1-3).
- Forbid that the corona-virus cabinet makes any decisions based solely on political gain.
- God, Israelis need, but are not getting, consistent, common-sense guidelines. Help (1 Cor. 14:8)!
- Wake up the government to see that if it is OK for thousands to demonstrate against Bibi without social distancing, then it is also OK for synagogues and weddings to have large meetings as well.
- As schools in non-red cities have started, even with all the obstacles facing teachers, students and parents, we ask You to miraculously make this the best school year ever (Jer. 32:17, 27)!
- Protect Israeli students from all humanistic, anti-biblical ideas (Psa. 111:10; Eccl. 12:13).
- Anoint some Israeli leaders to focus on helping Israel-Arab towns to be governed (Deut. 24:14).
- Raise up Israeli-Arab leaders to work with Israeli security and medical forces (1 Pet. 2:13-14).
- During this month of repentance, may 2 Chronicles 7:14 become a reality in many Israel hearts.
- Help the Israeli Body of Messiah to continue to mature and grow in this new normal (Psa. 23:1-6).
- Security: Israel is surrounded by enemies who want to destroy it. In the north, in Lebanon and Syria, the Iranian terrorist proxy Hizbullah licks its chops. In Gaza, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, also Iranian proxies, pressure Israel constantly. And in Israel’s biblical heartland – Judea & Samaria – an increasingly evil Palestinian Authority [PA] spreads hatred against Israel and all Jews.
- While we look to You to protect this nation (Psa. 121:4), we also thank You for making the IDF the fulfillment of that prophesied
exceedingly great army
coming out of the Holocaust (Ezek. 37:10). - Almighty Lord of hosts, continue to give wisdom and guidance to Israel’s Navy and Air Force to see how to protect the specific areas under their responsibilities (Psa. 3:8; Prov. 21:31).
- Use the IDF as Your strong fist against Your enemies and as a shield for Your people (Ex. 14:20).
- Keep them alert against snipers, kidnapping, road side bombs, etc. (Neh. 4:9).
- Guard IDF troops on all Israel’s borders, and in Judea and Samaria, as they guard Israel (Jer. 31:10).
- Especially, protect them from the spirit of hatred coming from Israel’s enemies (Prov. 10:12).
- Lord, You hear the threats of Hizbullah’s leader Nasrallah. Hinder all his efforts to kill IDF soldiers.
- Is it not time to remove this enemy of Yours from stirring up trouble? We would also include in this prayer the leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian Authority (Psa. 37:1-2, 10-12).
Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.
(Psa. 129:5) Amen!- Lord, as You sent hemorrhoids to plague the Philistine leaders in Samuel’s day (1 Sam. 5:9-12), send out something today that makes these wicked leaders extremely uncomfortable and let them know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is from You – Israel’s God (1 Sam. 6:8-9)!
- Give Israel accurate intelligence to expose what is being plotted in Judea and Samaria by the PA.
- Turn the PA’s hatred and threats against itself (Job 4:8; Psa. 9:16; Gal. 6:7).
- Aid Israel to turn the tables on Hamas so that they no longer control the outcome (Est. 9:1, 22).
- Stir up the common Palestinians to rebel against the PA and Hamas and then set up leaders who would be willing to live in peace with Israel (Psa. 11:5; 37:17; Prov. 10:24)..
- Thank You for Your protection against terrorism deaths in Israel during the past year (Psa. 121:4)
- Anoint and guide every aspect of Israel’s cyberwarfare strategies (Deut. 29:29).
- Keep Israel way ahead of the curve in this very urgent modern area of warfare (Psa. 44:4-8).
- May it be Your hand that guides the hands of Israel’s drone operators (Prov. 20:24).
- May it be Your hand that guides the hands of Israel’s spy satellite operators (Jer. 10:23).
- Continue to give Israel success in developing and using laser weaponry (Psa. 118:27a).
- Thank You for Your promise of divine protection upon Your regathered nation (Jer. 31:10).
- While we look to You to protect this nation (Psa. 121:4), we also thank You for making the IDF the fulfillment of that prophesied
- Judgment is on many nations today – especially those in the West who like to brag about being so “post-Christian.” Yet God is looking to the Church in these nations to stand in the gap so that He can have mercy in the midst of His righteous judgment.
- Lord, for this time of Israel’s restoration, You made this promise:
For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you [Israel] shall perish; yes, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
(Isa. 60:12) - Aid more believers see this as the root cause of judgment on their nations (Isa. 41:11; Jer. 12:17).
- Abba, we see so many nations, especially in the West, divided today. Convict the church in those nations that what they see is a fruit of You judging their nation for dividing Your land (Joel 3:1-2).
- May believers also see that even in the heat of your judgments, You are looking for someone to intercede in order that You can have mercy on that nation (Ezek. 22:30-31).
- We cry out to You for the nations:
YHWH, I have heard the report of You, and was afraid [or stand in awe of You]: YHWH, revive Your work in the midst of these times, in the midst of these times make known; in wrath remember mercy.
(Hab. 3:2) - Lord Yeshua, how long will You put up with those in Your Body who reject the only Scriptures You and the early believers had in New Testament times – the Old Testament? (John 5:46-47).
- Raise up prophetic voices to challenge the Body with all of Your Word (Acts 20:27; 2 Tim. 4:1-2).
- Remove all those voices that only scratch the ears of Your people (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
- Lord, for this time of Israel’s restoration, You made this promise:
- Salvation: In the middle of all the confusion in Israel, with all the good and not-so-good news, we know from His Word that God has brought the Jewish people home to save them. Shabbat’s prophetic portion has a great promise upon which we can lean as we pray for all Israel to be saved.
Your people shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land forever, the branch of My planting, the work of My hands, that I may be glorified.Isa. 60:21
- We bless You as once again we see that Israel’s salvation is linked with Your glory (Isa. 43:5-7)!
- Thank You Father that because Yeshua become a sin offering for us, we are now seen as righteous before You in Him (2 Cor. 5:21; cp. 1 Cor. 1:30).
- We pray in line with Your Word,
O YHWH, save Your people, the remnant of Israel.
(Jer. 31:7) - Abba, please reveal the Master Teacher Yeshua to all teachers and professors in Israel (John 3:2).
- Lord, open the eyes of many rabbis to see just how anointed Messiah [Christ = the Anointed One] Yeshua was while on the earth (John 1:32; cp. Isa. 11:2; 42:1).
- Lord Yeshua, appear in visions to young children and then lead them to ask deep spiritual questions to their parents and teachers (Psa. 8:2; Joel 2:28b).
- Appear to the elderly in dreams and let them know that You are the One they have waited for (Isa. 25:9; Luke 2:20, 29-32; John 4:42).
- Touch multitudes in Israel’s gay community with the real love they so desperately seek (John 8:11).
- God of Israel, draw near and comfort all those who are struggling because of the economic and emotional crises that the coronavirus has caused (Psa. 61:1-2).
- Comfort and save by the love of Your Son all who have lost loved ones to this virus (Gal.2:20b).
- Lord, please save the unsaved loved ones of Messianic Jews (Acts. 16:31).
- During this month as prayers of forgiveness are recited and next month as prayers of the high holy days are said, let Your Word which is embedded in those prayers, not return to You void (Isa. 55:11).
- Send out a deep hunger to all Jews wherever they are for Your Word (Jer. 15:16).
Shabbat shalom and blessings from Zion
For the IFI team
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