By Christine Darg
Jerusalem Channel
With the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we pause to thank the Almighty for her life of profound service, deep devotion and civility.
As Britain’s Chief Rabbi has observed, quoting Proverbs 31, “strength and dignity were her clothing and the law of kindness was on her tongue. She watched well over the ways of her nation and never ate of the bread of idleness.”
It is my prayer that over the next 10 days of mourning in Britain and around the world, attention will be drawn to the firmness of her Christian faith and that in this dangerous and uncertain world people will be inspired to follow her example of trust in the Saviour for the gift of eternal life.
With the upcoming Feast of Trumpets–known as the day or hour that no man knows due to the need to sight the new moon–there is much speculation that the Lord Jesus may call home his Bride and thus the Church Age would conclude.
Whether or not the Lord comes today or on the Feast of Trumpets, or any day, we all must be ready for his soon appearing.
I am also reminded of the famous prophetic word given by a Russian archbishop in 1911 that in the Last Days a female would occupy the throne of Britain. This she did for 70 years, and now a new era has begun . . . or we could also say an era has finished, and the Lord’s appearing is indeed imminent.
The Queen is the only monarch many of us have ever known. She has been the glue that has helped to hold the nation and the Commonwealth together during her remarkable reign spanning 15 prime ministers and 14 US presidents.
The loss of her beloved husband of 73 years combined with the drama over Harry and Meghan’s acrimonious departure from the family and the deeply troubling allegations swirling around Prince Andrew took a deep emotional toll over the past two years. She became more frail yet her decline was very sudden. On Tuesday she met her outgoing and incoming prime ministers, undertook an investiture and some light paperwork.
The Lord Himself has set the number of our days. Suddenly she began to die; physicians were alarmed and called in the family. As she was dying at her beloved estate in Scotland, rainbows appeared in the sky over London’s Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle! At that moment she was casting her crown at the feet of Jesus.
Only Charles and Anne who happened to be in Scotland were reportedly at her bedside. Apparently Harry and Megan had earlier shunned opportunities to vacation with his grandmother, and now he will live to regret his oversight. This teaches us always to strive to honour our loved ones, especially the elderly; they can go down suddenly, and in the Queen’s case, as the rabbis say, hers was the death of the righteous.
You shall come to the grave at a full age, As a sheaf of grain ripens in its season. (Job 5: 26)
Franklin Graham called Queen Elizabeth “a true friend of the Christian faith” and recalled her deep friendship with his father, Evangelist Billy Graham. Indeed, the memorial services and the solemnity of the moment will be a gift of mercy to the nation and to the world, causing us to turn out thoughts toward eternity. Location is everything–where we will exist in eternity is the bottom line of life.
Farewell, beautiful and dignified woman of valour! Thank you for your inestimable example!
Long live the king! May he defend THE faith!
Indeed, we pray for Charles III, for he will need extraordinary wisdom to carry on in the lengthy footsteps of his wise Mama.

This wonderful photo by the Royal Windsor Horse Show celebrated the 96th birthday of Britain’s longest-reigning monarch while standing in between two of her beloved Fell ponies, Bybeck Nightingale and Bybeck Katie.
Revelation 19:11-16
Messiah is Coming on a White Horse with believers who have died. . .
11 Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. . . .14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 On his robe across his thigh was written this title: King of all kings and Lord of all lords.
Well said Christine! not many left (male or female) who this 1948 Generation who’ve faced the good, bad, ugly of this world system without compromise, ‘in season & out’. Billy Graham & his Evangelistic team comes to mind among not many others unfortunately.
I’m so glad I was blessed to spend most of my life aware of this ‘Greatest Generation’ as some call them to some degree [thank God for Yeshua/Jesus our Messiah/savior]
America’s motherland left us some great & God fearing characters [not perfect] to respect/be proud of , Amen? AMEN!
kol tuv [be well] etc ….. & Maranatha to my Christian mischopah
Amen, thank you!
Beautiful. Thank you.
Well done, good and faithful servant! Enter into the joy of your LORD!
Christine as usual your words are always appreciated and right on spot. I agree that your words were right on and perfect. May God grant the queen her eternal life and may she rest in peace until his return.
Thank you, Deb!
Dearest Christine. Shalom. Such a wise and beautifully penned article. I can only humbly add a big AMEN to it also. May the many who will read it be comforted and encouraged by its content. Yes! Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha. Much love, Tony and Shiela Stone.
Dearest Tony and Shiela, thank you! We miss you!
The Queen’s life and her Passing has and will continue to soften many hearts of those in her Realm and t hut our world. We praise our Lord and our continued thanks to the Queen.
Yes, Amen, dear Emilie!