God’s Restraining Order
What is preventing a total Satanic onslaught on our world? The Restrainer is still restraining. The Holy Spirit as well as the salt and light of the Church are all [...]
What is preventing a total Satanic onslaught on our world? The Restrainer is still restraining. The Holy Spirit as well as the salt and light of the Church are all [...]
God’s restraining force is holding back the powers of darkness, but when the restrainer is removed, society will get what it wants—a Christless culture and all Hell will break loose. [...]
Delusion is a fixed false belief resistant to reason or facts. The Second Coming of Jesus is the furtherest thing from the globalists' minds! Christine Darg says all signs point [...]
What is forestalling Satan's ultimate attack on our world? What is holding back the revelation of the antichrist? Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg says the Bible has the answer!