God’s Mega Sign in the Heavens
Who is the Woman of Revelation 12? Is she Mary? The Church or Israel? The Bible makes the answer clear and it has everything to do with Bible prophecy being [...]
Who is the Woman of Revelation 12? Is she Mary? The Church or Israel? The Bible makes the answer clear and it has everything to do with Bible prophecy being [...]
https://vimeo.com/860729322 Believers should be comforting themselves with End-time Bible prophecy, but many are manifesting an evil heart of unbelief. This is more serious than most realize, says Jerusalem Channel presenter [...]
Our hope is not trying to fix a broken world —a concept in Judaism called tikkun olam-- which among other concepts has become synonymous with social justice. Christine Darg says [...]
The Jerusalem Channel's Christine Darg sees we have two choices: either be vexed to death or partake of God's holy tonic.
The Jerusalem Channel's Christine Darg discusses how to discern the prophetic signs of the times and understand God's timetable through the nation of Israel.