Prayer, War and the End Times Companies of believers are being raised up in this hour to pray God’s Word. Recently there was a prophetic word that End-time intercessors should be like Rees Howells. Who [...] Companies of believers are being raised up in this hour to pray God’s Word. Recently there was a prophetic word that End-time intercessors should be like Rees Howells. Who [...]
In perilous times, God raises up entire companies of intercessors to expand the Gospel. In Jerusalem there are many houses of prayer and ultimately Isaiah 56: 7 will come to [...]
Christine Darg's encouraging insights on the power of faith and prayer, even when seemingly all hope is lost.
The Jerusalem Channel's Christine Darg describes how the work of intercession in Jerusalem is moving into a new level of prayer warfare! This teaching will be a confirmation to the [...]
Do we have undeniable scriptural claim for answered prayer in a time of national crises? Christine Darg says, YES! In this video teaching, Christine uses examples taken from the life [...]