How Close Is Doomsday?
Four-in-ten Americans believe we're living in the 'end times' and doomsday is coming. Yes, it WILL be doomsday for much of the world, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg. But [...]
Four-in-ten Americans believe we're living in the 'end times' and doomsday is coming. Yes, it WILL be doomsday for much of the world, says Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg. But [...]
Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg teaches essential End-Time truths. It’s become more important than ever that we steer the course and don’t fall into the ditch in these strange End-times [...]
Clash of civilizations: Christine Darg asks is it righteous anger or lawless insanity?
People in the Bible who "took a knee," and some who did not-- and why. A short meditation by Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg.