“Are You Ready for the End of Time?”
During a Global Prayer Gathering Zoom sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, JC presenter Christine Darg gave a Bible prophecy update on the end of the Church Age and [...]
During a Global Prayer Gathering Zoom sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, JC presenter Christine Darg gave a Bible prophecy update on the end of the Church Age and [...]
In this episode, Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg explores the question: Can a case be made that we live in the "terminal generation" prior to the return of Jesus? https://vimeo.com/970189859
https://vimeo.com/964460835 In a Global Prayer Gathering Zoom of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Christine Darg recently described the ordeal she and her husband have been going through. "Lord, Will You [...]
According to Leviticus 23, in the 50 days from Passover to Shavuot (Pentecost) the Omer is counted. Wondering what this is all about? The Church definitely needs to catch up! [...]
Jewish wedding traditions mention a ceremony called "The Flying of the Bride" in which the bride is lifted up--a picture of the Rapture of the Church, the Bride of Messiah. [...]
Who is the Woman of Revelation 12? Is she Mary? The Church or Israel? The Bible makes the answer clear and it has everything to do with Bible prophecy being [...]
Many professing believers don’t acknowledge the existence of prophets in the Church today. They believe prophets were confined to Bible times. Yet the ongoing office of prophet/prophetess is clearly mentioned [...]
High profile leaders are falling into deadly sins and many of God’s servants meet with physical attacks, premature death or even fatal accidents. The powers of darkness are raging against [...]
Sound an alarm of imminent danger to call us back to God! Jerusalem Channel presenter Christine Darg says we must lift our voices like a trumpet to pray against spiritual [...]
https://vimeo.com/918171023 Miracles are already beginning to happen in the soon-coming revival in Egypt, a revival prophesied in Isaiah 19. During the Millennium, Egypt, Assyria and Israel will all worship the [...]