Editor’s Note: In the following report, Christine Darg refutes racist lies about Israeli society. . . .

By Christine Darg

Jerusalem Channel

Dear World.. 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 is the real Israel, not the one lied about by racist propaganda.

Albert Sebastian Chait MBE posted the above photo on Facebook.

He wrote what I already know from experience to be true, that there is nothing extraordinary about this photo of a Muslim woman purchasing items in a Tel Aviv market from a kippa-wearing Jewish man.

This is normal life in Israel. Thousands of such photos could be posted every hour!

I see the co-mingling every day in the shopping malls, on public transport, in hospitals and restaurants.

As my husband recovers from a head injury in Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek hospital, I also co-mingle in the visitor’s lounge among ultra-Orthodox Jews wearing big fur hats and their women in hatted modest outfits.

We’re all in the same room where we can make hot drinks and eat meals along with Muslim families—their women covered from head to toe in Islamic dress.

The cozy lounge is about the size of a regular bedroom furnished with a couple of sofas, a communal refrigerator and dining tables. It’s impossible not to acknowledge one another and everybody’s concern over loved ones.

The Jews bring in their kosher food, and the Muslims bring their halal food, but everybody co-exists and they offer me, a Christian, chocolates, something to eat, something to drink. As we’re thrown together by circumstances, we hope and pray for the welfare of all our loved ones.

In fact, I was amazed during my husband’s stay in the ICU that two acquaintances were also hospitalized there—what are the chances?

I prayed the same resurrection power over them as I did over my own beloved husband. Nothing is by chance for the believer.

Now that Peter is thankfully out of ICU, he has shared a room with Avraham, an Israeli soldier wounded in the head in Gaza. Avraham thankfully appears to be making good progress after being in ICU for three weeks! Today he was putting together a Rubik’s Cube. Halleluyah!

The standard Hebrew phrase that’s the traditional Jewish way of wishing someone a speedy recovery, רְפוּאָה שְׁלֵמָה , Refuah Shleima, means literally, a complete healing. I love that! May each sick person be complete and whole, lacking nothing.

My Australian-born daughter-in-law is visiting with our son David, and she remarked upon entering the hospital how the atmosphere is not oppressive like many secular hospitals in the West, but due to the amount of prayer that is generated and the many prayers that are posted everywhere, she felt uplifted.

Even the doctors at Shaare Zedek Hospital here in Jerusalem are not ashamed to talk faith, which is refreshing. I told Dr. Klein that people all over the world are praying for Peter, and he said simply, “That is what we do.”

Rabbis walk from room to room praying Refuah Shleima, and occasionally strolling musicians bring songs of healing and hope, cookies and candies, lovingly presented as little gifts of encouragement.  Both Jews and Arabs work harmoniously together. Mohammed gave Peter a shower this morning and the dietician, a sweet-spirited young Muslima, wanted to know for sure if all his dietary preferences were satisfactory.

There was even a mentalist named Yohanan, “YHWH is gracious,” who visited Peter’s room—not that I approve of magic, but he was a kind-hearted Orthodox young man whose mission is to help to sharpen the minds of patients. Yohanan played a card trick with Peter that was entertaining. I asked him if his rabbi approves, but I wasn’t sure of his answer!

I want to share the prayer sent to me by one of my favorite rabbis in Jerusalem whose home we have often visited for shabbat meals. I think you will appreciate the spirit of faith in Rav Mordechai’s well chosen words: [Hashem means “The Name” and is a term of respect for God]

“May Hashem bless Peter with the quickest, most all-encompassing complete healing and recovery way beyond the wildest imaginations of the greatest of physicians.
In the merit of the fact that both he and you are always trying to use your ‘heads’ to better the world, may his head be healed, and may you experience immediately the fulfillment of Jeremiah 17:14,

“Heal me, Hashem, and I Will be healed; Save me and I Will be saved, for You are my glory!”
רפואה שלימה מן השמים

“Please let me know about his Full immediate recovery as Proverbs 24:16 teaches: “the righteous person may fall many times, but they Will get up!”

“May the two of you have a very long, healthy life together.
Shalom uverachah [peace and blessing].”

This episode in our lives demonstrates how important are family and friends. There is nothing like praying family and intercessory friends who have our best interests at heart coming to our aid—and one never knows when family is needed. That’s why today’s generation must fight woke ideology aimed at destroying the nuclear family.

Author Noelle Mering wrote in Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology (2021),

“The authority of the family, then, is the genesis of our deepest and most enduring personhood. Not surprising, therefore, that latter-day progressives or wokists, bent on collectivising the individual, should view the traditional family with such enmity.”

The destruction of the authority of the family, argues Mering, is the great goal of the wokeist insurrection. Her book contains haunting passages such as this:

“Abortion is the sacrament and greatest symbol of woke religion because in one act, it destroys each icon of the family: the child, the father, and the mother.”

Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers for Peter’s full recovery so that his voice will speak to the following generation of all God is doing in these End Times to fulfill Bible prophecy!

To contact or support Christine Darg, please visit her website www.JerusalemChannel.tv

Please purchase Christine’s new book, “LORD, Will You Restore the Kingdom to Israel?” The book was published at the same time as Peter’s injury–spiritual warfare for sure! The book’s title IS the question of the hour!

Available at Amazon as an eBook or printed copy:

