It’s going to take great determination to be bold and strong in an age of growing apostasy, but Christine Darg says God has equipped us to be overcomers.
It’s going to take great determination to be bold and strong in an age of growing apostasy, but Christine Darg says God has equipped us to be overcomers.
Absolutely true in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Such a true statement as we face the craziness of today’s world. It is only through Christ we will survive.
Shalom Christine, Shabbat Shalom shelwa. I am full of antiicpation to listen further. Be back soon. Abundant blessings in Messiah Jesus/Yeshua Hamashiach of Nazereth and King of The Jews, Brian and Anna Nelson
WOW ! What an inspiring, warning message to myself especially during severe trials not to complain, kvetch or murmur; of which sadly I have been so guilty. I am so thankful that our Saviour; The Lord Jesus Christ/Messiah Yeshua summons us all; of course myself, to come before His Throne of Grace, repent and ask for His Forgiveness and Mercy. Inspiring in the understanding that our Almighty God is our Haven of Shalom, Refuge and Strength in days of turbulence, uncertainty. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. And finally, Yes, Yerushalayim will be The Praise in all the earth !!
Come, Messiah come. Keep, and shelter us all under Your eternal wings until Your longed-for, and anticipated Return !