Christine Darg

Heavenly Assignments Done Right

By Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel I received an email from an intercessor seeking counsel concerning a prophetic act that she felt the Lord was calling her to do in Jerusalem. [...]

Deploying Battleground Prayer

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~ Ephesians [...]

God Is In the Details

(First published 25 December 2023 at Christine Darg's Substack) By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Merry Christmas, or as my British family more properly says, Happy Christmas! Yes, joy to the [...]

Jeremiah’s Conundrum

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel As the war against Israel continues to wage not only regionally but globally, conditions are forming that portend Jeremiah 30: 7, the time of Jacob’s [...]

Are You in God’s Life Boat?

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel I saw the above screenshot (origin unknown) on Facebook illustrating individual believers inside the Bride of Messiah. Although the world is becoming darker and more [...]

Battle Stations for Every Intercessor!

"Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the appointed time will come." (Mark 13: 33) By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Behold, the Bridegroom Comes! The Bride [...]

Darkness Can Never Extinguish the Light

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel This month the celebrations of Hanukkah and Christmas have never been more meaningful. Both holidays center around Light in a time of gross darkness. The [...]

The Cancelling of Christianity

By Christine Darg Jerusalem Channel Christmas has been cancelled in Bethlehem this year. The Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, an interdenominational council of bishops and pastors responsible for [...]

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