- Praise: Last night, Israel began celebrating the feast of Chanukah. This feast recalls the victory in 185 BC of the Maccabees, the Biblical Zionists of that time, against the Greek King Antiochus, and equally important, against fellow Jews who wanted Israel to be a nation like all the other nations. This war against the spirit of humanism continues today in both Israel and the Church, yet we praise God that despite the conflict, Israel and the Church are still around – and both are thriving.
- [During this holiday, the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22), Messiah Yeshua said],
My sheep hear [listen with an intent to obey] My voice. I know them, and they follow Me:
(John 10:27) - Thank You that we are Your sheep and that You have circumcised our spiritual ears to hear You.
- Good Shepherd, we praise You for leading is in this life – for Your name’s sake (Psa. 23:3)
- We rest in the absolute security we have in You:
I give them eternal life; and they shall never perish, nor shall anyone pluck them out of My hand.
(John 10:28) - Thank You for coming as the Light of the world and still shining today (John 8:12; 9:5).
- We rejoice that You are the Light and that the darkness cannot extinguish You (Psa. 139:11-12)
- We bless You that Your Word is also a light to guide us through life (Psa. 119:105, 130).
- What a relief to know that we find the ultimate truth – in Your Word (John 17:17).
- Thank You for the Chanukah miracle that yesterday Israel and Morocco established diplomatic ties!
- [During this holiday, the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22), Messiah Yeshua said],
- Salvation over Chanukah: As the Chanukah menorah is lit, light increases as another candle is added nightly – until all eight candles shine brightly. This is a great time to ask the light of salvation, Messiah Yeshua, to reveal Himself to many of His pre-believing chosen people.
- As the candle light grows brighter, enlighten hearts about who You really are (John 1:1-5).
- Lord, reap an abundant harvest from all the planting and watering that has been done in 2020 in the hearts of Your Jewish people in Israel and in the exile (1 Cor. 3:6)
- Lord Yeshua, You who are Israel’s King and Messiah, we ask You to reveal Yourself to many Jews in these days. And we specifically pray for those in the ultra-Orthodox community; all rabbis of all the Jewish sects; Jewish gays and lesbians; everyone involved with the sex-trade; those very ill with various diseases; leaders in the IDF; all IDF soldiers on active or reserve duty; medical professionals; government leaders; Holocaust survivors; Jews who are depressed and suicidal; the elderly and the lonely; teen-agers who seek for truth; many of the recently arrived Ethiopians and many Russian Jews; the unsaved loved ones of Messianic believers (Rom. 11:26).
- Fill in the emptiness and calm the emotional roller-coaster in the hearts of many (Psa.139:11-14).
- Yeshua Lord, draw many unsaved Jews to reread Psalm 23 at this time and to recognize that You are that Shepherd whom David wrote about (John 10:11).
- Aliyah: The Chanukah menorah is supposed to be in a place where everyone who passes by a Jewish home will see it. But many Jews, particularly in the West, will think long and hard before being bold enough to not hide their light this year. The rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism makes displaying a Chanukiah a dangerous thing to do. Yet in Israel Jews need no longer hide or fear.
- God of Israel, in Your love, draw the Jews to their home quickly (Jer. 31:3).
- Open their eyes and scare the exile out of them (Jer. 50:4-5).
- Do not allow them to say in pride, “I will not be chased out of here!” Instead place a love in their souls for Zion and let that love lead them (Isa. 60:4-5).
- May Your people learn the lessons of history from the disasters which came on them in all places during the almost 2,000 year exile which You now ended by having favor on Zion (Psa. 102:13).
- During Chanukah let the children ask very convicting questions as to why they are not in Israel.
- Forbid that any Holocaust survivor would think they are too old to come home (Jer. 31:8-9).
- Help all those Jews who already have the necessary paperwork to return to Israel, to be able to come as soon as possible – despite all of the Covid-19 obstacles (Isa. 62:10).
- Remove all bureaucratic barriers in Israel. Fling the doors wide open (Acts 5:19).
- Remove the fear of change which prevents so many from making aliyah (Isa. 43:1-4).
- Reunite families in Israel who live in different countries (Isa. 43:5-6).
- Speak to many wealthy Jews to transfer their lives and their
silver and gold
to Zion (Isa. 60:8-9).
- Government: With Biden likely being the next US President, Israel needs a government that will resist all of the anti-Israel appointees in Biden’s proposed cabinet. Israel also needs leaders to lead this nation through the Covid-19 crisis, to deal courageously in stopping Iran from developing or buying nuclear weapons, and a leadership which is not afraid to see Israel rise to become all God wants it to be in the midst of the darkness that is right now covering the earth (Isa. 60:1-2).
- Lord, it appears that Israel is moving to new elections. Direct us on how to pray (Amos 3:7).
- In Your mercy, give Israel a government that will fulfill Your will at this time (Psa. 90:14-18).
- Give Israel a government that will lead it to be the head and not the tail (Deut. 28:13).
- Continue to use PM Bibi Netanyahu to lead this nation until You say, “Enough!” (Psa. 31:15).
- Gideon Sa’ar has just quit Likud to start his own party. Lord, pray through us (Matt. 21:22).
- Enable the right wing parties to focus their campaign on policies and not personalities.
- Hold them back from campaigning so aggressively against each other that they will not be able to work together after the election for the good of this nation (Prov. 18:19).
- Israel’s government, like many other governments today, seems infected by a spirit of paralysis. Lord, speak to it, saying,
Rise, take up your bed and walk.
(Luke 5:18-26; John 5:5-9) - If there are new elections, use them to continue removing all evil shepherds (Jer. 23:1-2).
- May Your hand be on every detail, as well as the timing, of the next election (Psa. 31:15a).
- Thank You for the faithful people who are currently serving in the government (1 Sam. 22:14).
- Raise up more like them who are truly concerned for the well-being of Israel, those shepherds after Your own heart that You prophesied that You would give Israel at this time (Jer. 3:14-15; 23:3-4).
- Do not give Israel the government it deserves, but raise up one that reflects Your character in peace and righteousness, justice and strength and a love for this land (Deut. 4:6-8; Prov. 14:34).
- Show Israel’s politicians, especially the Israeli-Arabs, how to deal with the high rate of crime and violence in their communities, instead of always emphasizing the Palestinian situation (Eccl. 8:11).
- In this tough situation, help the authorities to maintain law and order with compassion (Zech. 7:9).
- Covid-19 & Israel: The confusion, anxiety, masks and social distancing are impacting Israel – as most other nations – negatively. There are also the real deaths and illnesses, depressions and suicides that have come out of this as well. Yet if this causes Israelis to look to God and not man…!
Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto You. When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.Psa. 61:1-2; cp. Deut. 32:4
- Messiah Yeshua, minister to all Israelis who will be alone during the Chanukah season because of the Covid-19 restrictions. Sit with them and let them know You are there (Song 2:4; Mark 2:16).
- Send healing of all emotional, mental and physical difficulties affecting Your people (Deut. 32:39).
- Lord, bring forth an Israeli vaccine which is effective and contains only pure ingredients (Ex. 37:29).
- Direct each Israeli individually as to whether to take the vaccine or not (Prov. 16:1, 9).
- Help Israelis to be self-disciplined in social distancing and wearing masks (Lev. 19:18b).
- We continue to bless You for the low death rate in Israel compared to most other nations (Psa. 23:4).
- Abba, the government’s on-again-off-again restrictions are confusing and birth anger and rebellion in many hearts (Isa. 9:16). By Your mercy, help the authorities to get their act together (Prov. 21:1).
- Also, move on the authorities to speak to Your people with one voice (1 Cor. 14:7-8).
- Israel’s infrastructure: This area needs attention especially as more Jews are coming home.
- Build up the infrastructure of Israel’s transportation system to provide quick and safe travel from the periphery to the center which will encourage more Jews to live in Judea and Samaria (Isa. 40:3).
- Send down Your plans to build in the areas outside of the major cities – including in Judea, Samaria and the Negev (Jer. 32:41-44; 33:12-13).
- Continue building up Israel’s cities to provide room for those whom You are gathering (Psa. 147:2).
- Improve the infrastructure of cities, especially on the coast, to deal with heavy rains (2 Chr. 26:10a).
- Thank You for the large solar plant in the Negev. Increase Israel’s use of sustainable power sources and refine its use of all the other power sources as well (Deut. 8:18; 1 Chr. 29:11).
- We bless You for Israel’s desalinization plants and her wise use of recycled water (Psa. 107:29).
- Thank You for making Israel a world leader in sustainable power and other “green” breakthroughs.
- Israel’s relationship with America: If Biden becomes president Israel will need to look to God more than ever before. That may be one of the goals of God in the chaotic situation that has come out of America’s elections. Please remember, biblically Israel is the focus of His end-time work in this age and not any other nation. Israel is the apple of His eye and that means He views the world through His apple, His pupil – His nation.
We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
(Rom. 8:28) While many Israel-Jews may not truly love You yet, we bless You that they are allthe called
in line with Your will and purpose.- We lift up Gilad Erdan, Israel’s UN ambassador, and soon to be US ambassador, and ask that You give him much wisdom and boldness in dealing with a next US administration (Psa. 81:10).
- May he be a very clear and strong voice for You in the UN and in the White House (Joel 3:16).
- Lord, is it not the time to judge that wicked UN General Assembly which continually votes against Israel every year, yet stands with human-rights abusing nations like Syria and Iran and China and with every vicious dictator today (Psa. 33:10-12)?
- Security – internal: The Palestinians are already throwing off the grave clothes that they had pompously draped themselves in under Donald Trump. Of course, the UN and EU are right there to lend their support for the Palestinians and to add their own condemnations against Israel. Israel must be prepared for anything that the demonically inspired Palestinian leadership is planning.
- Lord, the Israeli soldiers who serve in Judea and Samaria are so young to have such responsibility. Protect them from being damaged mentally, emotionally, or spiritually (Psa. 140:7).
- Reinforce their positions, whether at check points or along the Gaza fence, with angels (Ex. 14:19).
- Keep them alert and prevent all distractions (Psa. 144:1).
- Grant them compassion, strength, patience and discernment in every situation (Psa. 61:1-4).
- Provide Israeli security services with all the necessary intelligence needed to protect Your nation and to pre-empt any planned terror attacks (Psa. 44:1-4).
- Guard and protect those sources of information (Psa. 17:8; 31:20).
- Expose and arrest any traitors among Israeli citizens (Job 12:22; 2 Tim. 3:1-4).
- Security – Iran: Iran is Israel’s biggest threat today. They support Hizbullah in Lebanon, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza, and groups which desire Israel’s destruction in Syria.
- Give Israel wisdom to know how to navigate the transition phrase between the anti-Iranian Trump administration and the apparently much more pro-Iranian Biden one (Prov. 21:1).
- Use a Biden presidency to draw more Middle East nations to join forces with Israel.
- Use all of the supposed attacks and assassinations by Israel in Iran to allow a supernatural terror of Your nation to fall on all of the Iranian leadership (Ex. 14:23-25; 2 Chr. 20:29).
- Lord of hosts, at all costs, prevent nuclear weapons from coming into Iranian hands (Psa. 68:1).
- If needed, use Israel as Your weapon of war to accomplish this (Jer. 51:20-24).
- Continue to watch over Jeremiah 49:35-38 and “destroy” Iran’s king and its princes.
- Also, set Your throne in Iran by saving multitudes of Iranians (Psa. 103:19; 110:1; Col. 1:12-13).
- Bless, protect and mature the Body of Messiah in Iran and use them for Your glory (Acts 4:19-20).
- Intercessors for Israel: Since we will not meet in Jerusalem at our annual January prayer conference, we are adding a section of prayer requests for IFI in December’s alerts. Thank you for standing with us.
- Yeshua, thank You that You lead this ministry and we are called to be Your co-laborers (1 Cor. 3:9).
- Make IFI and those who intercede along with this ministry like the sons of Issachar who knew the signs of the times and what Israel needed to do, so that we really know how to pray (1 Chr. 12:32).
- Anoint us to lead in Your direction for prayer and forbid us from misleading in anyway (Psa. 23:3).
- Continue to watch over the godly unity which You have given to the leadership team (Eph. 4:3).
- Thank You for calling us to be watchmen on Jerusalem’s walls. We ask that You would use our prayers to make Jerusalem a praise unto You in all the earth (Isa. 62:1-3, 6-7).
- Abba, by Your Spirit, encourage and strengthen those who lead this ministry (Eph. 6:10).
- Lord God, if You want IFI to continue, please raise up the next generation of leaders (2 Tim. 2:2).
- Watch over IFI’s finances and provide all it needs to do that You have called it to do (Phil. 4:19).
We finished by thanking God for the rain and snow that has fallen on Israel so far this season, and asking Him for more (Job 5:10; 37:6).
Blessings from Zion and happy Chanukah,
For the IFI team
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