[Photo courtesy of Alex Kolomoisky]

By Christine Darg
Jerusalem Channel
The Jewish people vow, “We Will Dance Again.” And they will never stop learning.
In fact, believers never stop learning.
The Jewish people are “rewinding the scroll” back once again to Parashat Bereshit (the beginning of Book of Genesis) to start re-reading the Torah afresh.
They do this every year because Bible study never ends, and the cycle brings increasing cumulative revelation.
V’zot HaBerakhah (“And this is the blessing”) is the final portion that records Moses’ last words before his death. The portion is always read just after the annual Feast of Tabernacles on the 8th day, the holiday called “Simchat Torah.”
However, this year Simchat Torah is bittersweet —although it is a holiday meaning “Rejoicing with the Torah,” on Simchat Torah last year, 7 October 2023, the horrors of the murderous Gaza incursion of Israel began.
Israeli friends were not sure how this day would unfold.
Many Orthodox Jews spent the entire night studying (a tradition on the eve of Simhat Torah).

Their joy of dancing with Torah scrolls was cautious this time because of stress and casualties from the ongoing war and the fact that many hostages are still in captivity in Gaza. The IDF announced that a reservist soldier, (above photo), Master Sergeant (res.) Saar Eliad Navarsky (27), fell during combat in the north. When I saw this photo, I thought of King David. The people of Israel still live. . . . may his memory be for an eternal blessing.
There is also the proverbial Damacles sword hanging over Iran. Weeks have now passed since Iran launched another barrage of missiles into Israel on Oct. 1, 2024. In the wake of this assault, while vowing to retaliate, Israel has remained strategically silent. Many wonder why Israel hasn’t struck back yet. But surely PM Netanyahu didn’t want to interrupt the holidays with the attack, but now. . . . soon? After Simhat Torah??? The world watches and Bible prophecy students are on high alert.
And this is the blessing….. that after all Israel has suffered over the past two millennia, God has promised with all of his heart and soul to restore Israel.
Jeremiah 24:6-7 states: “I will bring them back to this land… Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.”
The powers of darkness vow to destroy Israel, nevertheless the people of Israel live, and we are already beginning to see their revival.
Witness the Slichot (Seeking Forgiveness) prayers this year at the Western wall and prayers chanting “kadosh, kadosh, kadosh” (holy, holy, holy) to Adonai at the site of the October 7 massacre on Hosanna Rabbah. According to Hosea 5: 15- 6: 1, the Almighty says, “I will go away and return to My place [on high] Until they acknowledge their offense and bear their guilt and seek My face; In their distress they will earnestly seek Me, saying, “Come and let us return [in repentance] to the LORD, For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.”
The following insightful text and photo is Via Hillel Fuld on Facebook
There is a famous [saying] about all the Jewish holidays.
What they all have in common is the theme, “They tried to kill us, they failed, so we eat.”

As a result of the persecution in ancient Egypt, we have the holiday of Passover on which we read the Hagaddah at the Seder.
About the persecution in ancient Persia, we have the Megillah of Esther, which we read on Purim.
Greece? Hanukah
What will be written about us? Will we have a Megillah? A Seder?
I took a crack at how the story will be told to our descendants.
It was the beginning of the 21st century, the days of the evil regime in Persia, which was then referred to as Iran.
The regime was deeply sinister and perpetuated terrorism across the globe, from Yemen to Lebanon to Gaza to Syria and beyond.
The people of Iran did not support the regime but their voices were suppressed violently by the supreme leader and his army of terror.
For years, for decades, the evil regime announced to the world their evil plan of annihilating the Jews first, and the rest of the western world next, but their plan failed time and time again.
This evil regime, despite being a clear enemy of the western world, was heavily funded by multiple western governments, something that came as a shock to those who still had a moral compass in a world of moral bankruptcy.
The radical Islamic world acted as the puppets to their puppet masters in Iran and Qatar, a country that funded much of the terror behind the scenes while trying to fool the world into believing they were the peace makers.
End of chapter 1
Then came a dark day for the free world. On the seventh day of the tenth month, the Iranian regime carried out their sinister plan to murder, rape, burn, and behead thousands of innocent Jews. Additionally, hundreds of innocent civilians from countless countries were kidnapped to the dark dungeons of Gaza.
The Jewish people had not known such darkness since the previous attempt to annihilate them, an attempt by Hitler and his Nazi party, an attempt that ultimately failed.
The Iranian leader, by means of his many proxies, had a day that they celebrated, a day on which they made the Jewish nation bleed.
End of chapter 2
After that day, the army of God, the Israel Defense Forces, set out to change the balance of power and protect the western world by eliminating tens of thousands of radical Islamic fundamentalists and bring the Iranian proxies to their knees.
They did so in Gaza. They did so in Judea and Samaria. They did so in Lebanon. They did so in Yemen. They did so in Syria. Anywhere that radical Islam showed its face was a legitimate target of the army of God.
The Israel Defense Forces demonstrated to the world that their long hand could reach anywhere.
But the evil Iranian regime still didn’t learn their lesson.
On multiple occasions and for the first time ever, Iran carried out a direct attack on the Jewish state thinking they’d once again manage to murder innocent Jews.
However, their plan was foiled time and time again by the miraculous aerial defense systems of the IDF including the Iron Dome, David’s Sling, and the Arrow system, systems the world believed were impossible to create but were proven wrong by the miraculous innovation developed by Israeli scientists.
Minimal damage was caused by the hundreds of ballistic missiles and suicide drones sent from Iran to Israel. The miracles were plenty.
However, Israel, despite the minimal damage, knew what it needed to do.
End of Chapter 3
The IDF planned its counter attack meticulously in collaboration with its closest allies, including what was the world’s leading empire, the United States of America.
As all of this was transpiring, the Iranian proxies continued to bombard Israel from all directions and did manage to cause casualties, something the people in the streets of Gaza celebrated by handing out sweets.
In addition to the complexity of the war, the Israeli population was deeply divided once again with hundreds of thousands of Israelis calling for the resignation of the democratic leader of the state, Benjamin Netanyahu, with the other half of the country throwing their support behind the government.
End of Chapter 4
At the same time, the internal politics of the American people was equally volatile with half the country throwing their support behind who was the vice president in the previous administration, and the other half supporting the previous president. They too were deeply divided.
All this, while the world waited to see how the Jews would punish the Iranian regime for their attacks on their people.
This deep division and lack of unity was music to the ears of the enemies of the west.
End of Chapter 5
In parallel to all of this, a strange but dominant voice began to sound across the western world. This was a voice of deep confusion, a voice of support for the very people who called for their destruction.
Across America and much of the western world, the youth began to glorify fundamentalism. Some even went as far as to praise and glorify the barbaric terrorist who carried out the worst terror attack on American soil in America’s history.
Those who maintained their moral clarity found this voice to be confusing at best; and deeply disturbing and dangerous at worst.
The younger generation of the western world became more and more confused by the day regarding who their friends were and who their enemies were.
They began to call the Jewish people names that had no basis in reality. Names like colonizers. They accused them of genocide, an accusation that could not be farther from the truth.
The distinction between good and evil became more and more blurred as time passed.
As radical Islamists across the globe continued to call for the destruction of the west and continued to try and implement that plan, the youth in the western world began to appease that very same enemy and somehow believe that fundamentalism was some sort of social cause.
This deep confusion led to an inexplicable spike in attacks on Jews across the western world. Academic institutions could no longer differentiate between the light the Jews shined and the darkness the islamists brought.
Jews were attacked, synagogues vandalized, windows shattered, and Jewish students targeted.
Just at a time that you’d expect the western world to rally behind the Jews, the age old hatred of Jews, antisemitism showed its face once again.
End of Chapter 6
The confusion spread as western civilization lost all moral clarity, something that would ultimately lead to its downfall.
The region continued to heat up across Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, and of course, Israel.
The world waited with anticipation to see what Israel’s next move would be in parallel to continuing to fight the many proxies of the Iranian regime.
End of Chapter 7
The IDF managed to eliminate the leadership of all terrorist organizations in the region, but due to the deep indoctrination of the people, they refused to admit defeat and continued to try and fight the mighty army of Israel. They continued to pay the price as their leaders were eliminated one by one, day after day.
The achievements of the Israeli defense forces were unprecedented, unparalleled in modern warfare, and some might say, miraculous.
The western world failed to recognize the gift that the Jewish people were granting them by making their world safer to live in. But that didn’t stop the Jews as they saw clearly what their mission was, and were not deterred by the lack of support from the western world.
What would Israel do next? How would the Iranian regime take the blow? What would happen with Hamas and the Israeli hostages taken on that dark day? Would Hezbollah be completely eliminated? Would the Houthi’s in Yemen survive the long arm of the Jewish army?
The people of the free world waited to have all of their questions answered while the army of God planned its next move to perfection.
End of Chapter 7
No one knew this at the time, but this war was not just another war. It was the final war. It was the last phase before the messiah arrived and the world as a whole recognized the oneness of God.
The Jews didn’t know it, America didn’t know it, radical Islam didn’t know it, but everything that was transpiring was what led to the ultimate redemption, and the arrival of the messiah, son of David.
– End of Chapter 8
Chapter, 9, 10, and 11 have not yet been written.
However, we have read the end of the Book, and it is written that God’s people will prevail, Messiah Yeshua will return after the revelation of the false Christ (beware!) and King Messiah reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years!

To contact Christine Darg, visit https://jerusalemchannel.tv/contact-2/
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